Ding, A. Adam
[Department of Math., Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA]
Zhang, Liwei
[Department of Math., Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA]
Durvaux, François
Standaert, François-Xavier
Fei, Yunsi
[Department of ECE, Northeastern University, Boston, MA, USA]
Evaluation of side-channel leakage for cryptographic systems requires sound leakage detection procedures. The commonly used standard approach is the test vector leakage assessment (TVLA) procedure. We first relate TVLA to the statistical minimum p-value (mini-p) procedure, and propose a sound method of deciding leakage existence in the statistical hypothesis setting. An advanced statistical procedure, Higher Criticism (HC), is adopted to improve leakage detection when there are multiple leakage points. The HC-based procedure is optimal in side-channel leakage detection, because for a given number of traces with a given length, it detects the existence of leakage at the signal level as low as possibly detectable by any statistical procedure. Numerical studies show that our HC-based procedure perform as well as the mini-p based procedure when leakage signals are very sparse, and can improve the leakage detection significantly when there are multiple leakages.

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Bibliographic reference |
Ding, A. Adam ; Zhang, Liwei ; Durvaux, François ; Standaert, François-Xavier ; Fei, Yunsi. Towards Sound and Optimal Leakage Detection Procedure.16th International Conference on Smart Card Research and Advanced Applications (CARDIS 2017) (Lugano (Switzerland), du 13/11/2017 au 15/11/2017). In: Proceedings of CARDIS 2017, 2017 |
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