De Clercq, Mikaël
There is a vast body of knowledge regarding the transition to higher education. Yet, it is still difficult to draw a precise picture of students’ adjustment process to university. This presentation will provide an indepthinvestigationbypresentingaBelgianresearchproject. Complementary methods (qualitative design, path analysis, multilevel analysis, person centered analysis, experimentaldesign…)werecarriedout,inordertoinvestigatetheimportanceof: (1)thetemporalnatureoftheacademicyear, (2)students’entrancepatterns,and (3)context-specificunderstandingofthefirst-yearexperience. Practical implications of the results and the role of diversity for the transition to higher education will also bediscussed.
Bibliographic reference |
De Clercq, Mikaël. Students at the gates of the university: A multifactorial and differentiated approach of students’ adjustment process.Monash University Visiting Scholar Seminar (Melbourne, 04/07/2018). |
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