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Mössbauerite; polytypes in Tatkul Lake (Russia) marls and evidence in a Murray River reservoir (Australia)

  1. Mills S. J., Christy A. G., Génin J.-M. R., Kameda T., Colombo F., Nomenclature of the hydrotalcite supergroup: natural layered double hydroxides, 10.1180/minmag.2012.076.5.10
  2. Genin J. M., Bauer Ph., Olowe A. A., Rezel D., Mössbauer study of the kinetics of simulated corrosion process of iron in chlorinated aqueous solution around room temperature: The hyperfine structure of ferrous hydroxides and Green Rust I, 10.1007/bf02399485
  3. Drissi S.H., Refait Ph., Abdelmoula M., Génin J.M.R., The preparation and thermodynamic properties of Fe(II)Fe(III) hydroxide-carbonate (green rust 1); Pourbaix diagram of iron in carbonate-containing aqueous media, 10.1016/0010-938x(95)00096-3
  4. Refait Philippe, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Génin Jean-Marie R., Sabot René, Green rusts in electrochemical and microbially influenced corrosion of steel, 10.1016/j.crte.2006.04.012
  5. Génin J.-M.R., Olowe A.A., Refait Ph., Simon L., On the stoichiometry and pourbaix diagram of Fe(II)-Fe(III) hydroxy-sulphate or sulphate-containing green rust 2: An electrochemical and Mössbauer spectroscopy study, 10.1016/s0010-938x(96)00072-8
  6. Refait P., Charton A., Génin J.-M.R., Identification, composition, thermodynamic and structural properties of a pyroaurite-like iron(II)-iron (III) hydroxy-oxalate green rust, 10.1016/s0992-4361(99)80006-x
  7. Génin Jean-Marie R., Ruby Christian, Composition and anion ordering in some FeII–III hydroxysalt green rusts (carbonate, oxalate, methanoate): The fougerite mineral, 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2007.09.019
  8. Benali Omar, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Refait Philippe, Génin Jean-Marie Robert, Effect of orthophosphate on the oxidation products of Fe(II)-Fe(III) hydroxycarbonate: the transformation of green rust to ferrihydrite, 10.1016/s0016-7037(01)00556-7
  9. Génin Jean-Marie R., Aïssa Rabha, Géhin Antoine, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Benali Omar, Ernstsen Vibeke, Ona-Nguema Georges, Upadhyay Chandan, Ruby Christian, Fougerite and FeII–III hydroxycarbonate green rust; ordering, deprotonation and/or cation substitution; structure of hydrotalcite-like compounds and mythic ferrosic hydroxide, 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2005.02.001
  10. Génin Jean-Marie R., Ruby Christian, Upadhyay Chandan, Structure and thermodynamics of ferrous, stoichiometric and ferric oxyhydroxycarbonate green rusts; redox flexibility and fougerite mineral, 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2006.05.010
  11. Ruby Christian, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Naille Sébastien, Renard Aurélien, Khare Varsha, Ona-Nguema Georges, Morin Guillaume, Génin Jean-Marie R., Oxidation modes and thermodynamics of FeII–III oxyhydroxycarbonate green rust: Dissolution–precipitation versus in situ deprotonation, 10.1016/j.gca.2009.10.030
  12. Génin J.-M. R., Mills S. J., Christy A. G., Guérin O., Herbillon A. J., Kuzmann E., Ona-Nguema G., Ruby C., Upadhyay C., Mössbauerite, Fe3+6O4(OH)8[CO3]·3H2O, the fully oxidized 'green rust' mineral from Mont Saint-Michel Bay, France, 10.1180/minmag.2014.078.2.14
  13. Rusch B., Génin J.-M. R., Ruby Ch., Abdelmoula M., Bonville P., Mössbauer study of magnetism in FeII − III (oxy-)hydroxycarbonate green rusts; ferrimagnetism of FeII − III hydroxycarbonate, 10.1007/s10751-008-9862-y
  14. Rusch Benoît, Génin Jean-Marie R., Ruby Christian, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Bonville Pierre, Ferrimagnetic properties in FeII–III (oxy)hydroxycarbonate green rusts, 10.1016/j.solidstatesciences.2007.07.007
  15. Vysostskii, G. N.: Gley. Eurasian Soil Sci. (Pochvovedenie) 4, 291–327 (1905)
  16. Génin Jean-Marie R., Bourrié Guilhem, Trolard Fabienne, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Jaffrezic Anne, Refait Philippe, Maitre Véronique, Humbert Bernard, Herbillon Adrien, Thermodynamic Equilibria in Aqueous Suspensions of Synthetic and Natural Fe(II)−Fe(III) Green Rusts:  Occurrences of the Mineral in Hydromorphic Soils, 10.1021/es970547m
  17. Génin Jean-Marie R., Guérin O., Herbillon A. J., Kuzmann E., Mills S. J., Morin G., Ona-Nguema G., Ruby C., Upadhyay C., Redox topotactic reactions in Fe II −  III (oxy)hydroxycarbonate new minerals related to fougèrite in gleysols: “trébeurdenite and mössbauerite”, 10.1007/s10751-011-0500-8
  18. Ona-Nguema Georges, Abdelmoula Mustapha, Jorand Frédéric, Benali Omar, Block Jean-Claude, Génin Jean-Marie R., Iron(II,III) Hydroxycarbonate Green Rust Formation and Stabilization from Lepidocrocite Bioreduction, 10.1021/es0020456
  19. Rodionov D., Klingelhöfer G., Bernhardt B., Schröder C., Blumers M., Kane S., Trolard F., Bourrie G., Génin J.-M. R., Automated Mössbauer spectroscopy in the field and monitoring of fougerite, 10.1007/s10751-006-9371-9
  20. Feder Frédéric, Trolard Fabienne, Klingelhöfer Göstar, Bourrié Guilhem, In situ Mössbauer spectroscopy: Evidence for green rust (fougerite) in a gleysol and its mineralogical transformations with time and depth, 10.1016/j.gca.2005.03.042
Bibliographic reference Génin, J.-M. R. ; Christi, A. ; Garcia, Yann ; Ksenofontov, V. ; Mills, S. ; et. al. Mössbauerite; polytypes in Tatkul Lake (Russia) marls and evidence in a Murray River reservoir (Australia). In: Hyperfine Interactions, Vol. 239, p. 24 (2018)
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