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Diagnostic tests for Cushing's syndrome differ from published guidelines: data from ERCUSYN.

  1. Viardot Alexander, Huber Peter, Puder Jardena J., Zulewski Henryk, Keller Ulrich, Müller Beat, Reproducibility of Nighttime Salivary Cortisol and Its Use in the Diagnosis of Hypercortisolism Compared with Urinary Free Cortisol and Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test, 10.1210/jc.2004-2264
  2. Newell-Price J., The Diagnosis and Differential Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome and Pseudo-Cushing's States, 10.1210/er.19.5.647
  3. Pecori Giraldi Francesca, Ambrogio Alberto G., De Martin Martina, Fatti Letizia M., Scacchi Massimo, Cavagnini Francesco, Specificity of First-Line Tests for the Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome: Assessment in a Large Series, 10.1210/jc.2007-0596
  4. Raff Hershel, Utility of Salivary Cortisol Measurements in Cushing’s Syndrome and Adrenal Insufficiency, 10.1210/jc.2009-1166
  5. WORKMAN ROBERT J., VAUGHN WILLIAM K., STONE WILLIAM J., Dexamethasone Suppression Testing in Chronic Renal Failure: Pharmacokinetics of Dexamethasone and Demonstration of a Normal Hypothalamic-Pituitary- Adrenal Axis*, 10.1210/jcem-63-3-741
  6. Lin C.-L., Urinary Free Cortisol and Cortisone Determined by High Performance Liquid Chromatography in the Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome, 10.1210/jc.82.1.151
  7. Ness-Abramof Rosane, Nabriski Dan, Apovian Caroline M., Niven Mark, Weiss Eliahu, Shapiro Menachem S., Shenkman Louis, Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Test: A Reliable Screen for Cushing's Syndrome in the Obese, 10.1038/oby.2002.166
  8. Putignano P., Bertolini M., Losa M., Cavagnini Francesco, Screening for Cushing’s syndrome in obese women with and without polycystic ovary syndrome, 10.1007/bf03345217
  9. Klose Marianne, Lange Martin, Rasmussen Aase Krogh, Skakkebæk Niels Erik, Hilsted Linda, Haug Egil, Andersen Marianne, Feldt-Rasmussen Ulla, Factors Influencing the Adrenocorticotropin Test: Role of Contemporary Cortisol Assays, Body Composition, and Oral Contraceptive Agents, 10.1210/jc.2006-1791
  10. Valassi Elena, Swearingen Brooke, Lee Hang, Nachtigall Lisa B., Donoho Daniel A., Klibanski Anne, Biller Beverly M. K., Concomitant Medication Use Can Confound Interpretation of the Combined Dexamethasone-Corticotropin Releasing Hormone Test in Cushing’s Syndrome, 10.1210/jc.2009-1500
  11. Mullan K., Black N., Thiraviaraj A., Bell P. M., Burgess C., Hunter S. J., McCance D. R., Leslie H., Sheridan B., Atkinson A. B., Is There Value in Routine Screening for Cushing’s Syndrome in Patients with Diabetes?, 10.1210/jc.2009-2453
  13. Friedman T. C., Ghods D. E., Shahinian H. K., Zachery L., Shayesteh N., Seasholtz S., Zuckerbraun E., Lee M. L., McCutcheon I. E., High Prevalence of Normal Tests Assessing Hypercortisolism in Subjects with Mild and Episodic Cushing's Syndrome Suggests that the Paradigm for Diagnosis and Exclusion of Cushing's Syndrome Requires Multiple Testing, 10.1055/s-0030-1263128
  14. Ceccato F., Antonelli G., Barbot M., Zilio M., Mazzai L., Gatti R., Zaninotto M., Mantero F., Boscaro M., Plebani M., Scaroni C., The diagnostic performance of urinary free cortisol is better than the cortisol:cortisone ratio in detecting de novo Cushing's syndrome: the use of a LC-MS/MS method in routine clinical practice, 10.1530/eje-14-0061
  15. Ritzel Katrin, Beuschlein Felix, Berr Christina, Osswald Andrea, Reisch Nicole, Bidlingmaier Martin, Schneider Harald, Honegger Jürgen, Geyer Lucas L., Schopohl Jochen, Reincke Martin, ACTH after 15 min distinguishes between Cushing's disease and ectopic Cushing's syndrome: a proposal for a short and simple CRH test, 10.1530/eje-14-0912
  16. Nunes Marie-Laure, Vattaut Stéphanie, Corcuff Jean-Benoît, Rault Alexandre, Loiseau Hugues, Gatta Blandine, Valli Nathalie, Letenneur Luc, Tabarin Antoine, Late-Night Salivary Cortisol for Diagnosis of Overt and Subclinical Cushing’s Syndrome in Hospitalized and Ambulatory Patients, 10.1210/jc.2008-1542
  17. Nieman Lynnette K., Biller Beverly M. K., Findling James W., Newell-Price John, Savage Martin O., Stewart Paul M., Montori Victor M., The Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome: An Endocrine Society Clinical Practice Guideline, 10.1210/jc.2008-0125
  18. Valassi E., Santos A., Yaneva M., Toth M., Strasburger C. J., Chanson P., Wass J. A. H., Chabre O., Pfeifer M., Feelders R. A., Tsagarakis S., Trainer P. J., Franz H., Zopf K., Zacharieva S., Lamberts S. W. J., Tabarin A., Webb S. M., , The European Registry on Cushing's syndrome: 2-year experience. Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics, 10.1530/eje-11-0272
  19. Raff H., Late-Night Salivary Cortisol as a Screening Test for Cushing's Syndrome, 10.1210/jc.83.8.2681
  20. Elias Paula C. L., Martinez Edson Z., Barone Bruno F. C., Mermejo Livia M., Castro Margaret, Moreira Ayrton C., Late-night Salivary Cortisol Has a Better Performance Than Urinary Free Cortisol in the Diagnosis of Cushing's Syndrome, 10.1210/jc.2013-4262
  21. Kidambi S., Raff H., Findling J. W, Limitations of nocturnal salivary cortisol and urine free cortisol in the diagnosis of mild Cushing's syndrome, 10.1530/eje-07-0424
  22. Pecori Giraldi Francesca, Ambrogio Alberto G., Variability in laboratory parameters used for management of Cushing’s syndrome, 10.1007/s12020-015-0676-9
  23. Elamin Mohamed B., Murad M. Hassan, Mullan Rebecca, Erickson Dana, Harris Katherine, Nadeem Sarah, Ennis Robert, Erwin Patricia J., Montori Victor M., Accuracy of Diagnostic Tests for Cushing’s Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Metaanalyses, 10.1210/jc.2008-0139
  24. Papanicolaou D. A., A Single Midnight Serum Cortisol Measurement Distinguishes Cushing's Syndrome from Pseudo-Cushing States, 10.1210/jc.83.4.1163
  25. Carroll Ty, Raff Hershel, Findling James, Late-Night Salivary Cortisol for the Diagnosis of Cushing Syndrome: A Meta-Analysis, 10.4158/ep09023or
  26. Monaghan Phillip J., Keevil Brian G., Stewart Paul M., Trainer Peter J., Case for the Wider Adoption of Mass Spectrometry-Based Adrenal Steroid Testing, and Beyond, 10.1210/jc.2014-2258
  27. Invitti C., Diagnosis and Management of Cushing's Syndrome: Results of an Italian Multicentre Study, 10.1210/jc.84.2.440
  28. Pecori Giraldi F., Saccani A., Cavagnini F., , Assessment of ACTH assay variability: a multicenter study, 10.1530/eje-10-0962
  29. Rossi R., Subclinical Cushing's Syndrome in Patients with Adrenal Incidentaloma: Clinical and Biochemical Features, 10.1210/jc.85.4.1440
  30. Tabarin Antoine, Laurent Francois, Catargi Bogdan, Olivier-Puel Frederique, Lescene Robin, Berge Jerome, San Galli Francois, Drouillard Jacques, Roger Patrick, Guerin Jean, Comparative evaluation of conventional and dynamic magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland for the diagnosis of Cushing's disease, 10.1046/j.1365-2265.1998.00541.x
  31. Patronas Nicholas, Bulakbasi Nail, Stratakis Constantine A., Lafferty Antony, Oldfield Edward H., Doppman John, Nieman Lynnette K., Spoiled Gradient Recalled Acquisition in the Steady State Technique Is Superior to Conventional Postcontrast Spin Echo Technique for Magnetic Resonance Imaging Detection of Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting Pituitary Tumors, 10.1210/jc.2002-021438
  32. Buurman H., Subclinical adenomas in postmortem pituitaries: classification and correlations to clinical data, 10.1530/eje.1.02107
  33. Mehta Gautam U., Montgomery Blake K., Raghavan Pooja, Sharma Susmeeta, Nieman Lynnette K., Patronas Nicholas, Oldfield Edward H., Chittiboina Prashant, Different imaging characteristics of concurrent pituitary adenomas in a patient with Cushing’s disease, 10.1016/j.jocn.2015.01.001
  34. Castro M., Out-Patient Screening for Cushing's Syndrome: The Sensitivity of the Combination of Circadian Rhythm and Overnight Dexamethasone Suppression Salivary Cortisol Tests, 10.1210/jc.84.3.878
  35. Pecori Giraldi F Cavallo LM Tortora F Pivonello R Colao A Cappabianca P Mantero F. The role of inferior petrosal sinus sampling in ACTH-dependent Cushing’s syndrome: review and joint opinion statement by members of the Italian Society for Endocrinology, Italian Society for Neurosurgery, and Italian Society for Neuroradiology. Neurosurgical Focus 2015 38 E(5). (doi:10.3171/2014.11.focus14766)
  36. Aron D. C., Effectiveness Versus Efficacy: The Limited Value in Clinical Practice of High Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Testing in the Differential Diagnosis of Adrenocorticotropin-Dependent Cushing's Syndrome, 10.1210/jc.82.6.1780
  37. Reimondo Giuseppe, Paccotti Piero, Minetto Marco, Termine Angela, Stura Guido, Bergui Mauro, Angeli Alberto, Terzolo Massimo, The corticotrophin-releasing hormone test is the most reliable noninvasive method to differentiate pituitary from ectopic ACTH secretion in Cushing's syndrome, 10.1046/j.1365-2265.2003.01776.x
  38. Zampetti Benedetta, Grossrubatscher Erika, Dalino Ciaramella Paolo, Boccardi Edoardo, Loli Paola, Bilateral inferior petrosal sinus sampling, 10.1530/ec-16-0029
  39. Görges R., Knappe G., Gerl H., Ventz M., Stahl F., Diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome: Re-evaluation of midnight plasma cortisol vs urinary free cortisol and low-dose dexamethasone suppression test in a large patient group, 10.1007/bf03343551
  40. Moro M., The Desmopressin Test in the Differential Diagnosis between Cushing's Disease and Pseudo-Cushing States, 10.1210/jc.85.10.3569
  41. Findling James W., Raff Hershel, Aron David C., The Low-Dose Dexamethasone Suppression Test: A Reevaluation in Patients with Cushing’s Syndrome, 10.1210/jc.2003-030207
  42. Yaneva Maria, Mosnier-Pudar Helen, Dugué Marie-Annick, Grabar Sophie, Fulla Yvonne, Bertagna Xavier, Midnight Salivary Cortisol for the Initial Diagnosis of Cushing’s Syndrome of Various Causes, 10.1210/jc.2003-031790
  43. Reimondo G., Evaluation of the effectiveness of midnight serum cortisol in the diagnostic procedures for Cushing's syndrome, 10.1530/eje.1.02042
Bibliographic reference Valassi, Elena ; Franz, Holger ; Brue, Thierry ; Feelders, Richard A ; Netea-Maier, Romana ; et. al. Diagnostic tests for Cushing's syndrome differ from published guidelines: data from ERCUSYN.. In: European Journal of Endocrinology, Vol. 176, no. 5, p. 613-624 (2017)
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