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Comments on indivisibles and infinitesimals : a response to David Sherry, by Amir Alexander : in view of the original book

  1. Alexander, A. (2014). A brief history of infinitesimals: The idea that gave birth to modern calculus. Scientific American. .
  2. Alexander, A. (2014). Infinitesimal. How a dangerous mathematical theory shaped the modern world. New York: Scientific American/Farrar, Straus and Giroux.
  3. Arianrhod, R. (2014). On a compelling tale of Jesuits, geometry and heresy in the turbulent 17th century. Times Higher Education, 19 June 2014,…theory-shaped-the-modern-world-by-amir-alexander/2013940.article .
  4. Alexander, A. On indivisibles and infinitesimals: A response to David Sherry, The Jesuits and the method of indivisibles (to be published).
  5. Bascelli, T. (2015). Torricelli’s indivisibles. In V. Jullien (Ed.), Seventeenth-century indivisibles revisited (p. 115). Berlin: Springer.
  6. Child, J. M. (1920). The early mathematical manuscripts of Leibniz. Chicago: Open Court Publishing.
  7. Clavius, C. S. J (1603). Romani Calendarii a Gregorio XIII p.M. restituti explicatio. Rome.
  8. Grabiner, J. V. (2014). Review of Amir Alexander, infinitesimal: How a dangerous mathematical theory shaped the modern world. Mathematical Association of America, 06/12/2014. .
  9. Gregory of Saint Vincent. (2008). In Huygens Œuvres, II, Letter 673, p. 489–490. Quoted in Jean Dhombres et Patricia Radelet-de Grave, Une mécanique donnée à voir, Brepols, Turnhout, Belgium, pp. 104–105.
  10. Proofs and Refutations : The Logic of Mathematical Discovery, ISBN:9781139171472, 10.1017/cbo9781139171472
  11. Paulos, J. A. (2014). The 16th century’s line of fire ‘infinitesimal,’ a look at a 16th-century math battle. The New York Times, April 7, 2014, .
  12. Redondi, P. (1988). Galileo Eretico, Teorino, Enaudi; First English edition: Galileo: Heretic. London: Allen Lane Publishers.
  13. Stedall, J. A. (2004). (trans.), The arithmetic of infinitesimals. John Wallis 1656. New York: Springer.
  14. Wallis, J. (1655). Arithmetica Infinitorum, Sive Nova Methodus Inquirendi in Curvilineorum Quadraturam, aliaque difficiliora Matheseos Problemata, Oxford. English translation see Stedall.
  15. Sherry, D. The Jesuits and the method of indivisibles (to be published).
Bibliographic reference Radelet-de Grave, Patricia. Comments on indivisibles and infinitesimals : a response to David Sherry, by Amir Alexander : in view of the original book. In: Foundations of Science, (2017)
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