Ruzzier, Chiara
This paper presents a research project about the Latin bibles from the 11th and 12th centuries, a period when, first in central Italy and later in the rest of the Western Europe, an emergence of large format bibles, intended for communal use, in monasteries and cathedrals, takes place. The purpose of this research is, through a quantitative analysis and from a textual and material point of view, to characterize and compare the practices from the several European regions concerning the production of biblical manuscripts. The main challenge of the project is to highlight the possible transition forms between those large dimension volumes from the Romanesque period to the portable bibles for personal use, typical from the 13th century, in order to better understand the emergence of the latter.
Bibliographic reference |
Ruzzier, Chiara. Des bibles géantes aux bibles portatives. Etat de la question et pistes de recherche. In: Lusitania Sacra, Vol. 34, no.-, p. 17-32 |
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