De Mol, Jan
Reijmers, Ellen
Verhofstadt, Lesley
[Ghent University]
Kuczynski, Leon
[University of Guelph]
The concept of agency is relevant in family therapy. As family therapists we approach each family member as a full agent, which means that what each person thinks and feels, makes sense, and that each person contributes in a significant way to the construction of a relationship. A person’s sense of relational agency is constructed in rela- tionships through processes of relational influence. Thus, agency is a relational construct and is dependent on bidi- rectional transactions in a relationship. A person’s sense of relational agency refers to the belief a person has about being able to influence another person, that this influence is significant for the other, makes a difference for the other, and contributes to the construction of the relationship. Many family members who enter therapy have lost their sense of relational agency. In this paper we discuss ideas how to reconstruct family members’ sense of relational agency in therapeutic practice.
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Bibliographic reference |
De Mol, Jan ; Reijmers, Ellen ; Verhofstadt, Lesley ; Kuczynski, Leon. Reconstructing a Sense of Relational Agency in Family Therapy. In: Australian and New Zealand Journal of Family Therapy, Vol. 39, no.1, p. 54-66 (2018) |
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