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Molecular and biological characterization of a new Tomato mild yellow leaf curl Aragua virus strain producing severe symptoms in tomato

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  3. Geraud-Pouey Francis, Chirinos Dorys T., Galindo-Castro Iván, Franco María A., Santana María A., Gillis Annika, Romay Gustavo, Occurrence of Six Begomoviruses Infecting Tomato Fields in Venezuela and Genetic Characterization ofPotato Yellow Mosaic VirusIsolates, 10.1111/jph.12445
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Bibliographic reference Romay Gonzalez, Gustavo ; Chirinos, Dorys T. ; Geraud-Pouey, Francis ; Gillis, Annika ; Mahillon, Jacques ; et. al. Molecular and biological characterization of a new Tomato mild yellow leaf curl Aragua virus strain producing severe symptoms in tomato. In: Virus Genes, Vol. 53, p. 939-942 (2017)
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