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Isolation and structure determination of 2,7-dihydroxy-apogeissoschizine, a new alkaloid from the root bark of Strychnos gossweileri
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Document type | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Poster |
Publication date | 1994 |
Language | Anglais |
Conference | "VIIèmes Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie", (Belgium) Liege (05/1998) |
Affiliation | UCL - MD/FARM - Ecole de pharmacie |
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Bibliographic reference | Quetin-Leclercq, Joëlle ; Dive, Georges ; Delaude, Clément ; Warin, Roger ; Bassleer, Roger ; et. al. Isolation and structure determination of 2,7-dihydroxy-apogeissoschizine, a new alkaloid from the root bark of Strychnos gossweileri.VIIèmes Journées Franco-Belges de Pharmacochimie ((Belgium) Liege, 05/1998). |
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