Campolo, Maria Gabriella
[Universite de Messine (Italy)]
Di Pino, Antonio
Rizzi, Ester Lucia
The aim of this study is to estimate the effect of transition to parenthood on the partners’ division of labour by controlling for the misspecification of the bargaining process between partners, gender attitudes and the endogeneity of fertility decisions. For the empirical analysis, we use longitudinal data on married or cohabiting Italian couples provided by the Italian panel survey of the Generation and Gender Program. Our results show that, while paid and unpaid work of women significantly change after the birth of a child, men’s work are mostly unaffected. An exception concerns men having their second child, whose paid work diminishes. For women in traditional couples, as to attitudes regarding gender roles and the family, we observe a stronger penalization of childbearing in terms of total amount of paid and unpaid labour. This is the first time that our estimation strategy is applied to determine the effect of childbearing on the division of household labour between partners. Our sensitivity analysis shows that these results significantly differ from those obtained without a correction strategy of misspecification of latent variables.
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Bibliographic reference |
Campolo, Maria Gabriella ; Di Pino, Antonio ; Rizzi, Ester Lucia. Parenthood and labour division in Italian two-earner couples. In: International Journal of Social Economics, Vol. 43, no.12, p. 1315 - 1333 (2016) |
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