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Vortex particles and tree codes: I. flows with arbitrary crossing between solid boundaries and particle redistribution lattice; II. Vortex ring encountering a plane at an angle

Bibliographic reference Ploumhans, P. ; Winckelmans, Grégoire ; Salmon, John. Vortex particles and tree codes: I. flows with arbitrary crossing between solid boundaries and particle redistribution lattice; II. Vortex ring encountering a plane at an angle.Third Internalional Workshop on Vortex Flows and Related Numerical Methods (IWVF3) (Toulouse, France, du 24/08/1998 au 27/08/1998). In: A. Giovannini, G.H. Cottet, Y. Gagnon, A. Ghoniem, E. Meiburg, European Series in Applied and Industrial Mathematics Proceedings (ESAIM), 1998
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