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Forces between Staphylococcus aureus and human skin

  1. Grice Elizabeth A., Segre Julia A., The skin microbiome, 10.1038/nrmicro2537
  2. van Belkum Alex, Verkaik Nelianne J., de Vogel Corné P., Boelens Hélène A., Verveer Jeroen, Nouwen Jan L., Verbrugh Henri A., Wertheim Heiman F. L., Reclassification ofStaphylococcus aureusNasal Carriage Types, 10.1086/599119
  3. Lowy Franklin D., Staphylococcus aureusInfections, 10.1056/nejm199808203390806
  4. McCaig Linda, McDonald L., Mandal Sanjay, Jernigan Daniel, Staphylococcus aureus–associated Skin and Soft Tissue Infections in Ambulatory Care, 10.3201/eid1211.060190
  5. Moran Gregory J., Krishnadasan Anusha, Gorwitz Rachel J., Fosheim Gregory E., McDougal Linda K., Carey Roberta B., Talan David A., Methicillin-ResistantS. aureusInfections among Patients in the Emergency Department, 10.1056/nejmoa055356
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  7. von Eiff Christof, Becker Karsten, Machka Konstanze, Stammer Holger, Peters Georg, Nasal Carriage as a Source ofStaphylococcus aureusBacteremia, 10.1056/nejm200101043440102
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  9. Krishna Sheila, Miller Lloyd S, Host–pathogen interactions between the skin and Staphylococcus aureus, 10.1016/j.mib.2011.11.003
  10. Mulcahy Michelle E., Geoghegan Joan A., Monk Ian R., O'Keeffe Kate M., Walsh Evelyn J., Foster Timothy J., McLoughlin Rachel M., Nasal Colonisation by Staphylococcus aureus Depends upon Clumping Factor B Binding to the Squamous Epithelial Cell Envelope Protein Loricrin, 10.1371/journal.ppat.1003092
  11. Alsteens David, Dupres Vincent, Yunus Sami, Latgé Jean-Paul, Heinisch Jürgen J., Dufrêne Yves F., High-Resolution Imaging of Chemical and Biological Sites on Living Cells Using Peak Force Tapping Atomic Force Microscopy, 10.1021/la303891j
  12. Alsteens David, Trabelsi Heykel, Soumillion Patrice, Dufrêne Yves F., Multiparametric atomic force microscopy imaging of single bacteriophages extruding from living bacteria, 10.1038/ncomms3926
  13. Formosa Cécile, Schiavone Marion, Boisrame Anita, Richard Mathias L., Duval Raphaël E., Dague Etienne, Multiparametric imaging of adhesive nanodomains at the surface of Candida albicans by atomic force microscopy, 10.1016/j.nano.2014.07.008
  14. Dufrêne Yves F, Martínez-Martín David, Medalsy Izhar, Alsteens David, Müller Daniel J, Multiparametric imaging of biological systems by force-distance curve–based AFM, 10.1038/nmeth.2602
  15. Formosa-Dague Cécile, Speziale Pietro, Foster Timothy J., Geoghegan Joan A., Dufrêne Yves F., Zinc-dependent mechanical properties ofStaphylococcus aureusbiofilm-forming surface protein SasG, 10.1073/pnas.1519265113
  16. Helenius J., Heisenberg C.-P., Gaub H. E., Muller D. J., Single-cell force spectroscopy, 10.1242/jcs.030999
  17. Beaussart Audrey, El-Kirat-Chatel Sofiane, Herman Philippe, Alsteens David, Mahillon Jacques, Hols Pascal, Dufrêne Yves F., Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy of Probiotic Bacteria, 10.1016/j.bpj.2013.03.046
  18. Beaussart Audrey, El-Kirat-Chatel Sofiane, Sullan Ruby May A, Alsteens David, Herman Philippe, Derclaye Sylvie, Dufrêne Yves F, Quantifying the forces guiding microbial cell adhesion using single-cell force spectroscopy, 10.1038/nprot.2014.066
  19. Mazmanian S. K., Liu G., Jensen E. R., Lenoy E., Schneewind O., Staphylococcus aureus sortase mutants defective in the display of surface proteins and in the pathogenesis of animal infections, 10.1073/pnas.080520697
  20. Fredonnet Julie, Gasc Géraldine, Serre Guy, Séverac Childérick, Simon Michel, Topographical and nano-mechanical characterization of native corneocytes using atomic force microscopy, 10.1016/j.jdermsci.2014.04.009
  21. Herman Philippe, El-Kirat-Chatel Sofiane, Beaussart Audrey, Geoghegan Joan A., Foster Timothy J., Dufrêne Yves F., The binding force of the staphylococcal adhesin SdrG is remarkably strong : Binding strength of the staphylococcal adhesin SdrG, 10.1111/mmi.12663
  22. Herman-Bausier Philippe, El-Kirat-Chatel Sofiane, Foster Timothy J., Geoghegan Joan A., Dufrêne Yves F., Staphylococcus aureusFibronectin-Binding Protein A Mediates Cell-Cell Adhesion through Low-Affinity Homophilic Bonds, 10.1128/mbio.00413-15
  23. Herman-Bausier Philippe, Dufrêne Yves F., Atomic force microscopy reveals a dual collagen-binding activity for the staphylococcal surface protein SdrF : Collagen-binding activity of SdrF, 10.1111/mmi.13254
  24. Xu C.-P., Boks N. P., de Vries J., Kaper H. J., Norde W., Busscher H. J., van der Mei H. C., Staphylococcus aureus-Fibronectin Interactions with and without Fibronectin-Binding Proteins and Their Role in Adhesion and Desorption, 10.1128/aem.00948-08
  25. Riethmuller Christoph, McAleer Maeve A., Koppes Sjors A., Abdayem Rawad, Franz Jonas, Haftek Marek, Campbell Linda E., MacCallum Stephanie F., McLean W.H. Irwin, Irvine Alan D., Kezic Sanja, Filaggrin breakdown products determine corneocyte conformation in patients with atopic dermatitis, 10.1016/j.jaci.2015.04.042
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  27. Hutter Jeffrey L., Bechhoefer John, Calibration of atomic‐force microscope tips, 10.1063/1.1143970
Bibliographic reference Formosa-Dague, Cécile ; Fu, Zhuo-Han ; Feuillie, Cécile ; Derclaye, Sylvie ; Foster, Timothy J. ; et. al. Forces between Staphylococcus aureus and human skin. In: Nanoscale Horizons : the home for rapid reports of exceptional significance in nanoscience and nanotechnology, Vol. 1, p. 298-303 (2016)
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