De Fusco, Lucio
Jeanmart, Hervé
Contino, Francesco
Blondeau, Julien
In the recent years, a growing interest for low - quality biomass fuels is observed, in both small- and large-scale combustion plants. Such fuels include wood mixtures and forest residues, short-rotation energy crops, herbaceous biomass (e.g. straws) and agricultural or fruit residues. The combustion of these fuels often portends technical operational issues, which include agglomeration of inorganic particles in fluidized beds and ash slag formation in combustors. A simplified fuel characterization approach has been developed in this work, with the objective to define the agglomeration and slagging propensity of biomass fuels for their use in combustion boilers. Among the variables that influence these complex mechanisms, the fuel inorganic composition is considered in this model. The outcome of the model is a parameter in the range 0 - 100 that indicates the specific fuel propensity to induce agglomeration and slagging issues in combustion applications. The model outcomes are validated with experimental results from literature and from laboratory tests in a pilot circulating fluidized bed reactor. The developed tool is build to be used for screening and preliminary selection of solid biomass fuels for combustion.

Bibliographic reference |
De Fusco, Lucio ; Jeanmart, Hervé ; Contino, Francesco ; Blondeau, Julien. Development of a tool to predict biomass fuelsagglomeration and slagging propensity incombustion applications.EUBC&E 2015 - 23rd European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (Vienna). In: Proceedings of the EUBC&E 2015, 2015 |
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