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Imaging the future: a report from the Young Daily EANM Forum 2013

  1. Report on the first EANM young investigators’ meeting (YIM 2009), 10.1007/s00259-009-1242-6
  2. Chiti Arturo, A portrait of the scientist as a young woman : Comments after the first EANM Young Investigators’ Meeting, 10.1007/s00259-009-1241-7
  3. EANM YIM 2010—Report, 10.1007/s00259-010-1542-x
  4. de Geus-Oei Lioe-Fee, Zerizer Imene, Uebleis Christopher, AL-Nahhas Adil, Highlights of the EANM Congress 2011: Birmingham, UK, 10.1007/s00259-011-2043-2
  5. 2012 EANM Young Investigators Meeting — The multimodality approach in paediatric oncology: impact on therapy and patient management, 10.1007/s00259-012-2235-4
  6. EANM’09 Barcelona–a congress to be remembered!, 10.1007/s00259-009-1344-1
Bibliographic reference Cicone, Francesco ; Jamar, François ; Zerizer, Imene. Imaging the future: a report from the Young Daily EANM Forum 2013. In: European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging, Vol. 41, no.4, p. 811-812 (2014)
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