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Nice Embedding in Classical Logic

  1. Anderson A.R., Belnap N.D. Jr.: Entailment. The Logic of Relevance and Necessity, vol. 1. Princeton University Press, Princeton (1975)
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  3. Batens Diderik, Spoiled for choice?, 10.1093/logcom/ext019
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  6. Batens D.: It might have been Classical Logic. Logique et Analyse 218, 241–279 (2012)
  7. Batens, D., and D. Provijn, Pushing the search paths in the proofs. A study in proof heuristics, Logique et Analyse 173–175:113–134, 2001 (Appeared 2003).
  8. Bates Larry, Cushman Richard, What is a completely integrable nonholonomic dynamical system?, 10.1016/s0034-4877(99)80142-6
  9. Boolos George S., Burgess John P., Jeffrey Richard C., Computability and Logic, ISBN:9781139164931, 10.1017/cbo9781139164931
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  14. Hughes, G. E., and M. J. Cresswell, An Introduction to Modal Logic, Methuen, London, New York, 1972 (First published 1968).
  16. Kleene S.C.: Introduction to Metamathematics. North-Holland, Amsterdam (1952)
  17. Meheus, J., An extremely rich paraconsistent logic and the adaptive logic based on it, in D. Batens, C. Mortensen, G. Priest, and J. P. Van Bendegem (eds.), Frontiers of Paraconsistent Logic, Research Studies Press, Baldock, 2000, pp. 189–201.
  18. Priest Graham, In Contradiction, ISBN:9789401081511, 10.1007/978-94-009-3687-4
  19. Rosser J. B., Turquette A. R., Axiom schemes for m-valued propositions calculi , 10.2307/2267026
  20. Schütte K.: Beweistheorie. Springer, Berlin (1960)
Bibliographic reference Verdée, Peter ; Batens, Diderik. Nice Embedding in Classical Logic. In: Studia Logica : an international journal for symbolic logic, Vol. 104, no.1, p. 47-78 (2015)
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