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Schistosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a literature review

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  4. Vos Theo, Flaxman Abraham D, Naghavi Mohsen, Lozano Rafael, Michaud Catherine, Ezzati Majid, Shibuya Kenji, Salomon Joshua A, Abdalla Safa, Aboyans Victor, Abraham Jerry, Ackerman Ilana, Aggarwal Rakesh, Ahn Stephanie Y, Ali Mohammed K, AlMazroa Mohammad A, Alvarado Miriam, Anderson H Ross, Anderson Laurie M, Andrews Kathryn G, Atkinson Charles, Baddour Larry M, Bahalim Adil N, Barker-Collo Suzanne, Barrero Lope H, Bartels David H, Basáñez Maria-Gloria, Baxter Amanda, Bell Michelle L, Benjamin Emelia J, Bennett Derrick, Bernabé Eduardo, Bhalla Kavi, Bhandari Bishal, Bikbov Boris, Abdulhak Aref Bin, Birbeck Gretchen, Black James A, Blencowe Hannah, Blore Jed D, Blyth Fiona, Bolliger Ian, Bonaventure Audrey, Boufous Soufiane, Bourne Rupert, Boussinesq Michel, Braithwaite Tasanee, Brayne Carol, Bridgett Lisa, Brooker Simon, Brooks Peter, Brugha Traolach S, Bryan-Hancock Claire, Bucello Chiara, Buchbinder Rachelle, Buckle Geoffrey, Budke Christine M, Burch Michael, Burney Peter, Burstein Roy, Calabria Bianca, Campbell Benjamin, Canter Charles E, Carabin Hélène, Carapetis Jonathan, Carmona Loreto, Cella Claudia, Charlson Fiona, Chen Honglei, Cheng Andrew Tai-Ann, Chou David, Chugh Sumeet S, Coffeng Luc E, Colan Steven D, Colquhoun Samantha, Colson K Ellicott, Condon John, Connor Myles D, Cooper Leslie T, Corriere Matthew, Cortinovis Monica, de Vaccaro Karen Courville, Couser William, Cowie Benjamin C, Criqui Michael H, Cross Marita, Dabhadkar Kaustubh C, Dahiya Manu, Dahodwala Nabila, Damsere-Derry James, Danaei Goodarz, Davis Adrian, De Leo Diego, Degenhardt Louisa, Dellavalle Robert, Delossantos Allyne, Denenberg Julie, Derrett Sarah, Des Jarlais Don C, Dharmaratne Samath D, Dherani Mukesh, Diaz-Torne Cesar, Dolk Helen, Dorsey E Ray, Driscoll Tim, Duber Herbert, Ebel Beth, Edmond Karen, Elbaz Alexis, Ali Suad Eltahir, Erskine Holly, Erwin Patricia J, Espindola Patricia, Ewoigbokhan Stalin E, Farzadfar Farshad, Feigin Valery, Felson David T, Ferrari Alize, Ferri Cleusa P, Fèvre Eric M, Finucane Mariel M, Flaxman Seth, Flood Louise, Foreman Kyle, Forouzanfar Mohammad H, Fowkes Francis Gerry R, Franklin Richard, Fransen Marlene, Freeman Michael K, Gabbe Belinda J, Gabriel Sherine E, Gakidou Emmanuela, Ganatra Hammad A, Garcia Bianca, Gaspari Flavio, Gillum Richard F, Gmel Gerhard, Gosselin Richard, Grainger Rebecca, Groeger Justina, Guillemin Francis, Gunnell David, Gupta Ramyani, Haagsma Juanita, Hagan Holly, Halasa Yara A, Hall Wayne, Haring Diana, Haro Josep Maria, Harrison James E, Havmoeller Rasmus, Hay Roderick J, Higashi Hideki, Hill Catherine, Hoen Bruno, Hoffman Howard, Hotez Peter J, Hoy Damian, Huang John J, Ibeanusi Sydney E, Jacobsen Kathryn H, James Spencer L, Jarvis Deborah, Jasrasaria Rashmi, Jayaraman Sudha, Johns Nicole, Jonas Jost B, Karthikeyan Ganesan, Kassebaum Nicholas, Kawakami Norito, Keren Andre, Khoo Jon-Paul, King Charles H, Knowlton Lisa Marie, Kobusingye Olive, Koranteng Adofo, Krishnamurthi Rita, Lalloo Ratilal, Laslett Laura L, Lathlean Tim, Leasher Janet L, Lee Yong Yi, Leigh James, Lim Stephen S, Limb Elizabeth, Lin John Kent, Lipnick Michael, Lipshultz Steven E, Liu Wei, Loane Maria, Ohno Summer Lockett, Lyons Ronan, Ma Jixiang, Mabweijano Jacqueline, MacIntyre Michael F, Malekzadeh Reza, Mallinger Leslie, Manivannan Sivabalan, Marcenes Wagner, March Lyn, Margolis David J, Marks Guy B, Marks Robin, Matsumori Akira, Matzopoulos Richard, Mayosi Bongani M, McAnulty John H, McDermott Mary M, McGill Neil, McGrath John, Medina-Mora Maria Elena, Meltzer Michele, Memish Ziad A, Mensah George A, Merriman Tony R, Meyer Ana-Claire, Miglioli Valeria, Miller Matthew, Miller Ted R, Mitchell Philip B, Mocumbi Ana Olga, Moffitt Terrie E, Mokdad Ali A, Monasta Lorenzo, Montico Marcella, Moradi-Lakeh Maziar, Moran Andrew, Morawska Lidia, Mori Rintaro, Murdoch Michele E, Mwaniki Michael K, Naidoo Kovin, Nair M Nathan, Naldi Luigi, Narayan KM Venkat, Nelson Paul K, Nelson Robert G, Nevitt Michael C, Newton Charles R, Nolte Sandra, Norman Paul, Norman Rosana, O'Donnell Martin, O'Hanlon Simon, Olives Casey, Omer Saad B, Ortblad Katrina, Osborne Richard, Ozgediz Doruk, Page Andrew, Pahari Bishnu, Pandian Jeyaraj Durai, Rivero Andrea Panozo, Patten Scott B, Pearce Neil, Padilla Rogelio Perez, Perez-Ruiz Fernando, Perico Norberto, Pesudovs Konrad, Phillips David, Phillips Michael R, Pierce Kelsey, Pion Sébastien, Polanczyk Guilherme V, Polinder Suzanne, Pope C Arden, Popova Svetlana, Porrini Esteban, Pourmalek Farshad, Prince Martin, Pullan Rachel L, Ramaiah Kapa D, Ranganathan Dharani, Razavi Homie, Regan Mathilda, Rehm Jürgen T, Rein David B, Remuzzi Guiseppe, Richardson Kathryn, Rivara Frederick P, Roberts Thomas, Robinson Carolyn, De Leòn Felipe Rodriguez, Ronfani Luca, Room Robin, Rosenfeld Lisa C, Rushton Lesley, Sacco Ralph L, Saha Sukanta, Sampson Uchechukwu, Sanchez-Riera Lidia, Sanman Ella, Schwebel David C, Scott James Graham, Segui-Gomez Maria, Shahraz Saeid, Shepard Donald S, Shin Hwashin, Shivakoti Rupak, Silberberg Donald, Singh David, Singh Gitanjali M, Singh Jasvinder A, Singleton Jessica, Sleet David A, Sliwa Karen, Smith Emma, Smith Jennifer L, Stapelberg Nicolas JC, Steer Andrew, Steiner Timothy, Stolk Wilma A, Stovner Lars Jacob, Sudfeld Christopher, Syed Sana, Tamburlini Giorgio, Tavakkoli Mohammad, Taylor Hugh R, Taylor Jennifer A, Taylor William J, Thomas Bernadette, Thomson W Murray, Thurston George D, Tleyjeh Imad M, Tonelli Marcello, Towbin Jeffrey A, Truelsen Thomas, Tsilimbaris Miltiadis K, Ubeda Clotilde, Undurraga Eduardo A, van der Werf Marieke J, van Os Jim, Vavilala Monica S, Venketasubramanian N, Wang Mengru, Wang Wenzhi, Watt Kerrianne, Weatherall David J, Weinstock Martin A, Weintraub Robert, Weisskopf Marc G, Weissman Myrna M, White Richard A, Whiteford Harvey, Wiersma Steven T, Wilkinson James D, Williams Hywel C, Williams Sean RM, Witt Emma, Wolfe Frederick, Woolf Anthony D, Wulf Sarah, Yeh Pon-Hsiu, Zaidi Anita KM, Zheng Zhi-Jie, Zonies David, 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Bibliographic reference Madinga Ntwan, Joule ; Linsuke, Sylvie ; Mpabanzi, Liliane ; Meurs, Lynn ; Kanobana, Kirezi ; et. al. Schistosomiasis in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a literature review. In: Parasites & Vectors, Vol. 8, no.1, p. 601 [1-10] (2015)
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