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On the use of the multivariate stochastic order in risk theory

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  8. Walhin, J. F. andParis, J. (2000): The Effect of Excess-of-Loss Reinsurance with Reinstatements on the Cedant’s Portfolio. Blätter Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik, 24: 615–627.
  9. Walhin, J. F. andParis, J. (2001a): Excess of Loss Reinsurance with Reinstatements: Premium Calculation and Ruin Probability of the Cedant. Blätter Deutsche Gesellschaft für Versicherungsmathematik, 25: 1–12.
  10. Walhin, J. F. andParis, J. (2001b): Some Comments on the Individual Risk Model and Multivariate Extension. BDGV, 25: 257–270.
Bibliographic reference Walhin, Jean-François. On the use of the multivariate stochastic order in risk theory. In: German Actuarial Bulletin, Vol. 25, p. 503-519 (2002)
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