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Bounded and unbounded Fredholm modules for quantum projective spaces

  1. Cuntz, Operator Algebras and Group Representations, 124 (1984)
  2. D’andrea Francesco, Da̧browski Ludwik, Local Index Formula on the Equatorial Podleś Sphere, 10.1007/s11005-005-0047-1
  3. D'Andrea Francesco, Dąbrowski Ludwik, Landi Giovanni, Wagner Elmar, Dirac operators on all Podleś quantum spheres, 10.4171/jncg/5
  4. Hawkins Eli, Landi Giovanni, Fredholm modules for quantum Euclidean spheres, 10.1016/s0393-0440(03)00092-5
  5. Hong Jeong Hee, Szymański Wojciech, 10.1007/s00220-002-0732-1
  6. Vaksman, Leningrad Math. J., 2, 1023 (1991)
Bibliographic reference D'Andrea, Francesco ; Landi, Giovanni. Bounded and unbounded Fredholm modules for quantum projective spaces. In: Journal of K-Theory : k-theory and its applications to algebra, geometry, analysis and topology, Vol. 6, no. 2, p. 231-240 (2010)
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