Derouet, Jean-Louis
[ENS Lyon,]
Mangez, Eric
Benadusi, Luciano
[Universita degli Studi di Roma]
After the Second World War, the OECD promoted the idea – which had begun to emerge between the wars in various European countries – that the creation of a comprehensive school system, bringing together all children from age 6 to 15 or 16, was the precondition for the democratisation of society and economic progress. This model was implemented very differently from one country to another. The ideal has now ended in disenchantment. Almost everywhere, the schooling of 11 to 15-year-olds is seen as the weak link in educational systems, a site of violence and suffering for pupils and teachers. A new system is being put in place, which some call post-comprehensive. Without abandoning the concern for equality, the international organisations are foregrounding a new system of reference based on performance obligations: skills standards, international comparisons through which each country’s performance can be judged in a context of competition. The debate has moved on: the American New Right places its hopes in the market; the European texts propose several readjustments of the social-democratic compromise: an equality of performances which takes the form of the definition of key skills; an attempt at compromise between the ideal of redistribution, the imperatives of performance and the creation of a collective consciousness in pluriethnic and pluricultural societies which takes the form of the idea of inclusive societies. The comprehensive school and the debates surrounding it are liable to be overtaken before being analysed. A retrospective analysis seems necessary to do justice to the efforts that have been made. The way societies organise their educational system is a key element in the production and transformation of the social. This special double issue of the European Educational Research Journal examines the current state of the comprehensive model in Europe and formulates the hypothesis of a post-comprehensive era; in so doing, it addresses the fundamental problem area of the relationship between education and society(ies). It was this aim of retrospective analysis that inspired the organisation, at the European Conference on Educational Research (ECER) in Porto in 2014, of a symposium on “The emergence of a post-comprehensive school in Europe? The role of social science journals in constructing a reflexive and critical analysis”. This was followed by a call for contributions for this EERJ dossier, “Re-examining the comprehensive school project in Europe.” The aim of that invitation and of this ensuing double issue is to offer a European perspective on the question of the comprehensive school. There were 21 responses to the call; ten articles were selected after review. Together they provide a wide-ranging view of the situation.
- ANAR, A Nation at Risk. The Imperative for Educational Reform. An Open Letter to The American Public (1983)
- Arendt H, Between Past and Present: Six Exercises in Political Thought (1961)
- Ball S, The Education Debate: Policy and Politics in the Twenty-first Century (2008)
- Berliner DC, The Manufactured Crisis: Myths, Fraud, and the Attack on America’s Public Schools (1995)
- Blossing Ulf, Imsen Gunn, Moos Lejf, Progressive Education and New Governance in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden, The Nordic Education Model (2014) ISBN:9789400771246 p.133-154, 10.1007/978-94-007-7125-3_8
- Boltanski L, Dénonciation et émancipation. Pour un renouveau de la critique sociale (2014)
- Boltanski L, On Justification: Economies of Worth (2006)
- Briand J-P, Les collèges du peuple (1992)
- Carvalho Luís Miguel, The Fabrications and Travels of a Knowledge-Policy Instrument, 10.2304/eerj.2012.11.2.172
- Derouet J-L, École et justice. De l’égalité des chances aux compromis locaux? (1992)
- Derouet J-L, Repenser la justice dans le domaine de l’éducation et de la formation (2009)
- Derouet J-L, L’Europe de l’éducation: entre management et politique (2007)
- Derouet J-L, Revue Française de Pédagogie, 174, 5 (2011)
- Éducation et Sociétés-27, Redistribution, reconnaissance… justice? (2011)
- Esping-Andersen G, Les trois mondes de l’Etat Providence. Essai sur le capitalisme moderne (2009)
- Forquin J-C, École et culture, le point de vue des sociologues britanniques (1989)
- Fraser N, Adding Insult to Injury: Nancy Fraser Debates Her Critics (2008)
- Grek Sotiria, What PISA Knows and Can Do: Studying the Role of National Actors in the Making of PISA, 10.2304/eerj.2012.11.2.243
- Green Andy, Le modèle de l’école unique, l’égalité et la chouette de Minerve, 10.4000/rfp.1993
- Hargreaves A, The Fourth Way. The Inspiring Future for Educational Change (2009)
- Hargreaves D, The challenge for the comprehensive school: culture, curriculum and community (1989)
- Hirschman A, The Rhetoric of Reaction: Perversity, Futility, Jeopardy (1991)
- Honneth A, The Struggle for Recognition (1995)
- Jessop B, Beyond Market and Hierarchy: Interactive Governance and Social Complexity, 95 (1997)
- Lawn Martin, Lingard Bob, Constructing a European Policy Space in Educational Governance: The Role of Transnational Policy Actors, 10.2304/eerj.2002.1.2.6
- Luhmann N, Social Systems (1995)
- Luhmann Niklas, Limits of Steering, 10.1177/026327697014001003
- Mangez Eric, Hilgers Mathieu, The Field of Knowledge and the Policy Field in Education: PISA and the Production of Knowledge for Policy, 10.2304/eerj.2012.11.2.189
- Neumann Eszter, Kiss Adél, Fejes Ildikó, Bajomi Iván, Berényi Eszter, Biró Zoltán A., Vida Júlia, The Hard Work of Interpretation: The National Politics of PISA Reception in Hungary and Romania, 10.2304/eerj.2012.11.2.227
- Normand Romuald, L’école efficace ou l’horizon du monde comme laboratoire, 10.4000/rfp.114
- Normand Romuald, Gouverner la réussite scolaire, ISBN:9783034306102, 10.3726/978-3-0352-0081-2
- Ozga Jenny, Assessing PISA, 10.2304/eerj.2012.11.2.166
- Pons Xavier, Going beyond the ‘PISA Shock’ Discourse: An Analysis of the Cognitive Reception of PISA in Six European Countries, 2001–2008, 10.2304/eerj.2012.11.2.206
- Prost A, L’enseignement s’est-il démocratisé?, Les pupils des lycées et collèges de l’agglomération d’Orléans de 1945 à 1980 (1986)
- Prost A, Histoire générale de l’enseignement et de l’éducation en France, t. IV, L’école et la famille dans une société en mutation (depuis 1930) (2004)
- Prost A, Repenser la justice dans le domaine de l’éducation et de la formation (2009)
- Rudolf F, Pour une nouvelle culture sociologique du risque, Alliage, 48 (2001)
Bibliographic reference |
Derouet, Jean-Louis ; Mangez, Eric ; Benadusi, Luciano. Introduction to the EERJ dossier: Where is the comprehensive project in Europe today?. In: European Educational Research Journal, Vol. 14, no. 3-4, p. 195-205 (2015) |
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