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Vertical integration, collusion, and tariffs

  1. Alfaro L, Conconi P, Fadinger H, Newman AF (2010) Trade Policy and Firm Boundaries. NBER Working Paper No. 16118
  2. Bond EW, Syropoulos C (2005) Is the Tariff the “Mother of Trusts”? Reciprocal Trade Liberalization with Multimarket Collusion. Vanderbilt University mimeo, Nashville
  3. Chemla Gilles, Downstream Competition, Foreclosure, and Vertical Integration, 10.1162/105864003766754224
  4. Davidson Carl, Cartel stability and tariff policy, 10.1016/0022-1996(84)90021-7
  5. Feuerstein Switgard, Collusion in Industrial Economics—A Survey, 10.1007/s10842-005-4868-5
  6. Friedman James W., A Non-cooperative Equilibrium for Supergames, 10.2307/2296617
  7. Fung K.C., Industry structure, antitrust and tariffs, 10.1016/s0167-7187(87)80006-1
  8. Hanson Gordon H., Mataloni Raymond J., Slaughter Matthew J., Vertical Production Networks in Multinational Firms, 10.1162/003465305775098080
  9. Lamoreaux Naomi R., The great merger movement in American business, 1895–1904, ISBN:9780511665042, 10.1017/cbo9780511665042
  10. Levenstein M, Suslow V (2004) Contemporary international cartels and developing countries: economic effects and implications for competition policy. Antitrust Law J 71(3): 801–852
  11. Levenstein Margaret C, Suslow Valerie Y, What Determines Cartel Success?, 10.1257/002205106776162681
  12. Mendi Pedro, Backward integration and collusion in a duopoly model with asymmetric costs, 10.1007/s00712-008-0038-7
  13. Mendi P, Veszteg R (2009) Sustainability of collusion: evidence from the 19th century basque iron and steel industry. Invest Econ 33(3): 385–405
  14. Nocke Volker, White Lucy, Do Vertical Mergers Facilitate Upstream Collusion?, 10.1257/aer.97.4.1321
  15. Ornelas Emanuel, Turner John L., Trade liberalization, outsourcing, and the hold-up problem, 10.1016/j.jinteco.2007.02.005
  16. Spencer Barbara J., Jones Ronald W., Vertical Foreclosure and International Trade Policy, 10.2307/2298052
  17. Spencer Barbara J., Jones Ronald W., Trade and protection in vertically related markets, 10.1016/0022-1996(92)90035-i
  18. Webb Steven B., Tariffs, Cartels, Technology, and Growth in the German Steel Industry, 1879 to 1914, 10.1017/s0022050700108228
Bibliographic reference Mendi, Pedro ; Moner-Colonques, Rafael ; Sempere-Monerris, José J.. Vertical integration, collusion, and tariffs. In: SERIEs : journal of the Spanish Economic Association, Vol. 2, no. 3, p. 359-378 (2011)
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