Del Duca, Vittorio
Duhr, Claude
Gardi, Einan
Magnea, Lorenzo
White, Chris D.
We present a new approach to Reggeization of gauge amplitudes based on the universal properties of their infrared singularities. Using the "dipole formula", a compact ansatz for all infrared singularities of massless amplitudes, we study Reggeization of singular contributions to high-energy amplitudes for arbitrary color representations, and any logarithmic accuracy. We derive leading-logarithmic Reggeization for general cross-channel color exchanges, and we show that Reggeization breaks down for the imaginary part of the amplitude at next-to-leading logarithms and for the real part at next-to-next-to-leading logarithms. Our formalism applies to multiparticle amplitudes in multi-Regge kinematics, and constrains possible corrections to the dipole formula starting at three loops.
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Bibliographic reference |
Del Duca, Vittorio ; Duhr, Claude ; Gardi, Einan ; Magnea, Lorenzo ; White, Chris D.. Infrared approach to Reggeization. In: Physical Review. D, Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol. 85, no.7, p. 71104 (2012) |
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