Van Ypersele de Strihou, Charles
Jadoul, Michel
Malghem, Jacques
Maldague, Baudouin
Jamart, Jacques
This 12 center study was designed to assess factors affecting the development and progression of beta 2-microglobulin amyloidosis in long-term dialysis. A total of 221 patients who were on hemodialysis for more than five years, and who were treated the entire time only with AN69, a biocompatible, highly permeable membrane, or cuprophane, a less permeable, poorly biocompatible membrane (Cell) were evaluated for time on dialysis, development of carpal tunnel syndrome, and cystic bone lesions. X-ray documentation was taken in a minimum of four of the six following joints: both hips, wrists and shoulders. The data demonstrate that patients treated solely by AN69 membranes display signs of bone amyloidosis less frequently than do those treated by Cell membranes. Age at onset of dialysis was found to have a striking correlation with the development of carpal tunnel syndrome and bone amyloidosis, while no significant influence was found for hyperparathyroidism, sex or year of first dialysis.
Bibliographic reference |
Van Ypersele de Strihou, Charles ; Jadoul, Michel ; Malghem, Jacques ; Maldague, Baudouin ; Jamart, Jacques. Effect of dialysis membrane and patient's age on signs of dialysis-related amyloidosis. The Working Party on Dialysis Amyloidosis.. In: Kidney international, Vol. 39, no. 5, p. 1012-9 (1991) |
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