Scanning gate microscopy is used to find the position of a quantum Hall island (QHI) which controls the electron transport through a mesoscopic quantum ring. Such QHIs emerging around potential inhomogeneities are tunnel-coupled with edge states. Approaching a polarized metallic tip over the QHIs gradually changes their surface and generates Coulomb blockade oscillations. This mechanism permits the identification of the center of the QHIs. Here, by sweeping the distance between the tip and the two dimensional electron gas, we clearly locate the center of an individual QHI.
Rodrigues Martins, Frederico ; Faniel, Sébastien ; Pala, M. G. ; Sellier, H. ; Huant, S. ; et. al. Locating an individual quantum hall island inside a quantum ring.AIP Conference Proceedings (Zurich, Switzerland, du 29/07/2012 au 03/08/2012). In: AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1566, no. 299, p. 299 (2013)