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New evidence of interfacial oxide traps in n-type 4H- and 6H-SiC MOS structures

Bibliographic reference Olafsson, H.O. ; Sveinbjornsson, E.O. ; Rudenko, Tamara ; Kilchytska, Valeriya ; Tyagulski, I. ; et. al. New evidence of interfacial oxide traps in n-type 4H- and 6H-SiC MOS structures.2001 International conference on silicon carbide and related materials (ICSCRM 2001) (Tsukuba (Japan), du 28/10/2001 au 02/11/2001). In: S.Yoshida, S.Nishino, T.Kimoto, Material Science Forum Series, Trans Tech Publications : Zurich (Switserland)2001, p. 1001-1004
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