Molina, Constanza
[Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
Veas Perez, Leonardo Eugenio
[Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
Ossio, Felipe
[Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile]
The indoor air quality (IAQ) and thermal comfort in public buildings and residential is relevant when their rooms are in use. However, to date it is not regulated nor controlled in Chile, despite the consequences of poor IAQ due to high concentrations of CO2 on learning, concentration, productivity and health. Satisfaction polls were conducted between users and environmental variables were monitored in two schools located in the South of Chile (latitudes 45°23’71’’S and 47°115’11’’S). This article conveys the current IAQ conditions of one classroom in each school, and contrasting them with international standards and recommendations. Finally, and considering the Chilean regulations, some guidelines on the improvement of IAQ which are applicable to the design process of education buildings will be provided. This study is a preliminary approach to the field of actual environmental conditions in which children study and gives ground to new research onto their regulation.

Bibliographic reference |
Molina, Constanza ; Veas Perez, Leonardo Eugenio ; Ossio, Felipe. Case Study: Environmental quality in classrooms of south of Chile.PLEA2012 - 28th Conference, Opportunities, Limits & Needs Towards an environmentally responsible architecture (Lima, Perú, du 07/11/2012 au 09/11/2012). |
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