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Comparison between different nanocarriers : nanosuspension, polymeric micelles and nanoparticles
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Document type | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Poster |
Publication date | 2011 |
Language | Anglais |
Conference | "26th Annual Meeting of the G.T.R.V. ", (Belgium) Brussels (du 5/12/2011 au 7/12/2011) |
Affiliation | UCL - SSS/LDRI - Louvain Drug Research Institute |
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Bibliographic reference | Danhier, Fabienne ; Ucakar, Bernard ; Vanderhaegen, M. ; Brewster, M.E. ; Arien, T. ; et. al. Comparison between different nanocarriers : nanosuspension, polymeric micelles and nanoparticles.26th Annual Meeting of the G.T.R.V. ((Belgium) Brussels, du 5/12/2011 au 7/12/2011). |
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