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Simulation of electronic transport in defective graphene. From point defects to amorphous structures.
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Document type | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Présentation orale avec comité de sélection |
Publication date | 2012 |
Language | Anglais |
Conference | "17th ETSF Workshop on ElectronicExcitations. Advanced Green function methods", Coimbra, Portugal (du 01/10/2012 au 05/10/2012) |
Affiliation | UCL - SST/IMCN/NAPS - Nanoscopic Physics |
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Bibliographic reference | Lherbier, Aurélien ; Roche, Stephan ; Dubois, Simon M-M ; Declerck, Xavier ; Restrepo-Gutiérrez, Oscar Antonio ; et. al. Simulation of electronic transport in defective graphene. From point defects to amorphous structures..17th ETSF Workshop on ElectronicExcitations. Advanced Green function methods (Coimbra, Portugal, du 01/10/2012 au 05/10/2012). |
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