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High-dimensional data analysis: Looking for fast models ?
Primary tabs
Document type | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Conférence invitée / Keynote |
Publication date | 2011 |
Language | Anglais |
Conference | "International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2011)", Hangzhou (China) (du 06/12/2011 au 08/12/2011) |
Peer reviewed | yes |
Host document | "Proceedings of the International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2011)" |
Affiliation | UCL - SST/ICTM/ELEN - Pôle en ingénierie électrique |
Keywords | Data analysis |
Links |
Bibliographic reference | Verleysen, Michel. High-dimensional data analysis: Looking for fast models ?.International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2011) (Hangzhou (China), du 06/12/2011 au 08/12/2011). In: Proceedings of the International Symposium on Extreme Learning Machines (ELM 2011), 2011 |
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