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Feature selection with mutual information for uncertain data

  1. Ren Jiangtao, Lee Sau Dan, Chen Xianlu, Kao Ben, Cheng Reynold, Cheung David, Naive Bayes Classification of Uncertain Data, 10.1109/icdm.2009.90
  2. Tsang Smith, Kao Ben, Yip Kevin Y., Ho Wai-Shing, Lee Sau Dan, Decision Trees for Uncertain Data, 10.1109/tkde.2009.175
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  4. Ngai Wang, Kao Ben, Chui Chun, Cheng Reynold, Chau Michael, Yip Kevin, Efficient Clustering of Uncertain Data, 10.1109/icdm.2006.63
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  6. Kao Ben, Lee Sau Dan, Cheung David W., Ho Wai-Shing, Chan K. F., Clustering Uncertain Data Using Voronoi Diagrams, 10.1109/icdm.2008.31
  7. Cormode Graham, McGregor Andrew, Approximation algorithms for clustering uncertain data, 10.1145/1376916.1376944
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  12. Battiti R., Using mutual information for selecting features in supervised neural net learning, 10.1109/72.298224
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  14. Rossi F., Lendasse A., François D., Wertz V., Verleysen M., Mutual information for the selection of relevant variables in spectrometric nonlinear modelling, 10.1016/j.chemolab.2005.06.010
  15. François D., Rossi F., Wertz V., Verleysen M., Resampling methods for parameter-free and robust feature selection with mutual information, 10.1016/j.neucom.2006.11.019
  16. Parzen Emanuel, On Estimation of a Probability Density Function and Mode, 10.1214/aoms/1177704472
  17. Silverman B. W., Density Estimation for Statistics and Data Analysis, ISBN:9780412246203, 10.1007/978-1-4899-3324-9
  18. Verleysen, M.: Learning High-Dimensional Data. In: Limitations and Future Trends in Neural Computation, pp. 141–162 (2003)
  19. Kraskov Alexander, Stögbauer Harald, Grassberger Peter, Estimating mutual information, 10.1103/physreve.69.066138
  20. Gómez-Verdejo Vanessa, Verleysen Michel, Fleury Jérôme, Information-theoretic feature selection for functional data classification, 10.1016/j.neucom.2008.12.035
  21. Frank, A., Asuncion, A.: UCI Machine Learning Repository. University of California, School of Information and Computer Science, Irvine (2010),
Bibliographic reference Doquire, Gauthier ; Verleysen, Michel. Feature selection with mutual information for uncertain data.13th International Conference on Data Warehousing anf Knowledge Discovery (DaWaK 2011) (Toulouse (France), du 29/08/2011 au 02/09/2011). In: Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6862, p. 330-341 (2011)
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