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Human skin fibroblasts: From mesodermal to hepatocyte-like differentiation.

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  37. Yao Francis Y., Mehta Neil, Flemming Jennifer, Dodge Jennifer, Hameed Bilal, Fix Oren, Hirose Ryutaro, Fidelman Nicholas, Kerlan Robert K., Roberts John P., Downstaging of hepatocellular cancer before liver transplant: Long-term outcome compared to tumors within Milan criteria : HEPATOLOGY, Vol. XX, No. X, 2015, 10.1002/hep.27752
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  45. Mehta Neil, Dodge Jennifer L., Goel Aparna, Roberts John Paul, Hirose Ryutaro, Yao Francis Y., Identification of liver transplant candidates with hepatocellular carcinoma and a very low dropout risk: Implications for the current organ allocation policy : HCC and Wait-List Dropout, 10.1002/lt.23753
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  47. Mehta Neil, Fidelman Nicholas, Sarkar Monika, Yao Francis Y., Factors Associated With Outcomes and Response to Therapy in Patients With Infiltrative Hepatocellular Carcinoma, 10.1016/j.cgh.2012.12.030
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Bibliographic reference Lysy, Philippe ; Smets, Françoise ; Sibille, Catherine ; Najimi, Mustapha ; Sokal, Etienne. Human skin fibroblasts: From mesodermal to hepatocyte-like differentiation.. In: Hepatology (Baltimore, Md.), Vol. 46, no. 5, p. 1574-85 (2007)
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