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Automatic obstacle avoidance and parietal cortex.

  1. Schindler Igor, Rice Nichola J, McIntosh Robert D, Rossetti Yves, Vighetto Alain, Milner A David, Automatic avoidance of obstacles is a dorsal stream function: evidence from optic ataxia, 10.1038/nn1273
  2. Perenin M.-T., Brain, 111, 643 (1988)
  3. Milner, A.D. & Goodale, M.A. The Visual Brain in Action (Academic, London, 1995).
  4. Lavie Nilli, Perceptual load as a necessary condition for selective attention., 10.1037//0096-1523.21.3.451
  5. Humphreys, G.W et al. in Attention in Action (eds. G.W. Humphreys & M.J. Riddoch) (Psychology Press, London, in press).
Bibliographic reference Humphreys, Glyn W ; Edwards, Martin. Automatic obstacle avoidance and parietal cortex.. In: Nature neuroscience, Vol. 7, no. 7, p. 693 (2004)
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