Danse, Etienne
Horsmans, Yves
[Calcified portal vein thrombosis in the follow-up of surgical portocaval shunt: Sonographic findings and differential diagnosis] The case of a patient with large hepatic calcifications along the portal vascular network caused by long-standing portal vein thrombosis is presented. These calcifications appeared in extended portal thrombosis and were confirmed in follow-up for a surgical portocaval shunt related to portal hypertension. The differential diagnosis should distinguish these from hyperechoic patterns observed along the periportal vascular network, including intraductal biliary stones, portal venous gas, gas in the biliary tract, biliary comet tail artifacts, periportal fibrosis in parasitosis, and calcifications of the hepatic arteries.
Bibliographic reference |
Danse, Etienne ; Horsmans, Yves. Thrombose portale calcifiée dans le suivi d'un shunt porto-cave: aspect échographique et diagnostic différentiel.. In: Journal de Radiologie : revue d'imagerie medicale, diagnostique et therapeutique, Vol. 87, no. 11 Pt 1, p. 1696-1699 (2006) |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/10778 |