Hafner, Christian
High-frequency foreign exchange rate (HFFX) series are analyzed on an operational time scale using models of the ARCH class. Comparison of the estimated conditional variances focuses on the asymmetry and persistence issue. Estimation results for parametric models confirm standard results for HFFX series, namely high persistence and no significance of the asymmetry coefficient in an EGARCH model. To find out whether these results are robust against alternative specifications, nonparametric models are estimated. Local linear estimation techniques are applied to a nonparametric ARCH model of order one (CHARN). The results show significant asymmetry of the volatility function. To allow for both flexibility and persistence, a higher-order multiplicative model is fitted. The results show important asymmetries in volatility. In contrast to the EGARCH specification, the news impact curves have different shapes for different lags and tend to increase slower at the boundaries.
Bibliographic reference |
Hafner, Christian. Estimating high-frequency foreign exchange rate volatility with nonparametric ARCH models. In: Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, Vol. 68, no. 2, p. 247-269 (15 May 1998) |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078/106312 |