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Tree species and mixture effects on leaf litter fall, decomposition and accumulation in common oak and European beech forest.
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Document type | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Présentation orale avec comité de sélection |
Publication date | 2010 |
Language | Anglais |
Conference | "Colloque Forests in a Changing world", Vila Real - Portugal (du 05/10/2010 au 08/10/2010) |
Affiliation | UCL - SST/ELI/ELIE - Environmental Sciences |
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Bibliographic reference | Jonard, Mathieu ; André, Frédéric ; Ponette, Quentin. Tree species and mixture effects on leaf litter fall, decomposition and accumulation in common oak and European beech forest..Colloque Forests in a Changing world (Vila Real - Portugal, du 05/10/2010 au 08/10/2010). |
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