Eloy, Philippe
Watelet, Jean Baptiste
Donckier, Julian
Gustin, Thierry
Gaudon, Isabelle Plouin
Collet, Stéphanie
Rombaux, Philippe
Gillard, Claude
Bertrand, Bernard
OBJECTIVES: To establish the feasibility of the paraseptal approach to the sella and to demonstrate the superiority of the endoscopic over the microscopic vision during pituitary surgery. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective monocentric study. METHODS: Nine consecutive patients with a pituitary tumour were operated since November 2002. The surgical procedure consisted of a paraseptal approach of the sella with use of a rigid endoscope. Pre- and postoperative (3 months after surgery) symptoms, Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) findings, endocrine and ophthalmic assessment, and intraoperative findings were recorded. RESULTS: One patient presented a CSF leak with a successful peroperative repair. Regarding symptom resolution, headache disappeared during the early postoperative period in case of pituitary apoplexy. All cases of preoperative hemianopsia and diplopia but one improved significantly. Two patients recovered preoperative deficient hormonal functions and six patients did not require substitution therapy any more. No nasal packing was needed except in one case. Considering the healing course, the mucosa repair inside the sphenoid sinus was quicker with Surgicel removal at week 4. Postoperative MRI demonstrated a residual parasellar nodule in 3 out of 6 cases of macroadenoma. Only one required radiation therapy. These results are commented through comparison with the transseptal approach and with surgery exclusively using the microscope. CONCLUSIONS: The paraseptal transsphenoidal approach to the sella turcica using the telescope is at least as effective as the conventional transseptal approach using the operating microscope only. It provides a wide access to the pituitary fossa and an optimal vision of the critical areas. The absence of postoperative nasal packing improves significantly the comfort of the patient during the first postoperative hours.
Bibliographic reference |
Eloy, Philippe ; Watelet, Jean Baptiste ; Donckier, Julian ; Gustin, Thierry ; Gaudon, Isabelle Plouin ; et. al. Endoscopic and microscopic paraseptal transsphenoidal approach to the sella turcica.. In: Rhinology, Vol. 43, no. 4, p. 271-276 (2005) |
Permanent URL |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/10446 |