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Justice and Democracy: Are They Incompatible ?

  1. Ackerman, We, the People: Foundations (1991)
  2. Barry, Theories of Justice (1989)
  3. Barry, Paper presented at the conference on “The Ethics of Nationalism,” (1994)
  4. Free Movement: Ethical Issues in the Transnational Migration of People and Money (1992)
  5. Deliége, Le Systéme des castes (1993)
  6. Downs, An Economic Theory of Democracy (1957)
  7. Dworkin, University of san Francisco Law Review, 22, 1 (1989)
  8. Elster, The Storrs Lectures (1991)
  9. Hayek, The Constitution of Liberty (19601976)
  10. Hazlitt, Issues of American Public Policy, 108 (1968)
  11. Jaffrelot, La Démocratie indienne entre archaisme et modernité (1993)
  12. Mill, Considerations on Representative Government (18611948)
  13. Nagel, PEGS Newsletter, 3, 9 (1993)
  14. Norman, Cuhiers de philosophie politique et juridique de l'Unversité de Caen, 18, 109 (1990)
  15. Ordeshook, Game Theory and Political Theory: An Introduction (1986)
  16. Pogge, Paper presented at the conference on “The Ethics of Nationalism,” (1994)
  17. Rae, PEGS Newsletter, 3, 13 (1993)
  18. Rawls, A Theory of Justice (19711972)
  19. Rawls, Political Liberalism (1993a)
  20. Rawls John, The Law of Peoples, 10.1086/448700
  21. Schumpeter, Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy (19431976)
  22. Parijs, Qu-'est-ce ‘une société juste’ Introduction à la pratique de la philosophie politique (1991)
  23. Parijs, Revue europèenne des sciences sociales, 97, 133 (1993a)
  24. Parijs, Aprés le communisme, 161 (1993b)
  25. Parijs, Marxism Recycled (1993c)
Bibliographic reference Van Parijs, Philippe. Justice and Democracy: Are They Incompatible ?. In: The Journal of Political Philosophy, Vol. 4, no. 2, p. 101-117 (juin 1996)
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