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Affichage: 21 - 75 sur 97 résultats.


    • Communication
    Grammatical awareness and grammatical spelling: comparison of children with and without dyslexia
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Delaere, Sophie[UCL] Schelstraete, Marie-Anne[UCL] Hupet, Michel[UCL] (2013) International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia — San Sebastian
    • Communication
    Copying skills in children with and without dyslexia
    Blampain, Elise[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2019) International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia — San Sebastian
    • Communication
    Do children with dyslexia present a handwriting deficit?
    Gosse, Claire[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2018) Society for the Scientific Study of Reading — Brighton, United Kingdom
    • Article de périodique
    Children with dyslexia show an inhibition domain-specific deficit in reading
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] De Rom, Margot[UCL] (2019) Reading and Writing — (2019)
    • Communication
    The relation between home language environment and structural neural connectivity in infants with and without an elevated risk for oral language disorders
    Bonnet, Camille[UCL] Szmalec, Arnaud[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Vanderauwera, Jolijn[UCL] (2022) Flux Congress The International Congress for Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience — Paris, France
    • Communication
    RAN objects less efficient for decoders than for children using lexical processes
    Fromont, Margot[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2021) Society for the Scientific Study of Reading —
    • Communication
    Introducing the European Literacy Network (ELN) being established by COST Action IS1401
    Alves, Rui A. Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Limpo, Teresa (2017) Writing Research Across Borders IV Conference — Bogota, Colombia
    • Communication
    Investigating children with dyslexia's handwriting difficulties. An fMRI experiment.
    Gosse, Claire[UCL] Dricot, Laurence[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2021) 12th British Dyslexia Association International Conference — Oxford
    • Article de périodique
    Intervention en orthographe grammaticale chez les enfants dyslexiques: entre coût cognitif et motivation
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Birecki, Sandra (2017) ANAE: Approche Neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant — Vol. 29 (2017)
    • Communication
    Investigating the relationship between spelling and handwriting: longitudinal evidence from French-speaking primary school children
    Gosse, Claire[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2019) International Workshop on Reading and Developmental Dyslexia — San Sebastian, Espagne
    • Article de périodique
    Ran training in dyslexia: Behavioral and brain correlates
    Vander Stappen, Caroline[UCL] Dricot, Laurence[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2020) Neuropsychologia — Vol. 146, no.107566, p. 1-12 (2020)
    • Communication
    Intervention en copie pour améliorer l’orthographe chez les enfants de 1ère primaire
    Blampain, Elise[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2022) Journée scientifique de la Chaire UCLouvain-IRSA — Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgique
    • Communication
    Performance and self-efficacy in grammatical spelling: interventions on self-assessment and feedback
    Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] Penneman, Jessica[UCL] Vidick, Charline[UCL] Galand, Benoît[UCL] (2014) Sig Writing, 15th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing — Amsterdam
    • Article de périodique
    Copying skills in children with and without dyslexia
    Blampain, Elise[UCL] Gosse, Claire[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2020) Reading and Writing : an interdisciplinary journal — (2020)
    • Communication
    The influence of graphic complexities of words on the handwriting of children of 2nd grade
    Gosse, Claire[UCL] Carbonnelle, Simon[UCL] De Vleeschouwer, Christophe[UCL] Van Reybroeck, Marie[UCL] (2016) Sig Writing, 16th international conference of the EARLI special interest group on writing — Liverpool
