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Affichage: 2 résultats.
    • Communication
    A (256*256) pixel 76.7mW CMOS imager/ compressor based on real-time in-pixel compressive sensing
    Majidzadeh, V. Jacques, Laurent[UCL] Schmid, A. Vandergheynst, P. Leblebici, Y. (2010) 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems. ISCAS 2010 — Paris, France
    • Communication
    A design flow and evaluation framework for DPA-resistant instruction set extensions
    Regazzoni, Francesco[UCL] Standaert, François-Xavier[UCL] Cevrero, A. Badel, S. Kluter, T. Brisk, P. Leblebici, Y. Ienne, P. (2009) Cryptographic Hardware and Embedded Systems - CHES 2009. 11th International Workshop — Lausanne, Switzerland