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Affichage: 7 résultats.
    • Chapitre
    Building at the crossroads of media policy and urban development
    Picone, Ike Komorowski, Marlen Wiard, Victor Domingo, David Derinöz, Sabri[USL-B] (2020) Creative Cluster Development: Governance, Place-Making and Entrepreneurship — [ISBN : ISBN 9780367332747]
    • Communication
    Un mediapark à Bruxelles? L’industrie des médias et sa dynamique régionale
    Komorowski, Marlen Wiard, Victor Derinöz, Sabri[USL-B] Picone, Ike Domingo, David Patriarche, Geoffroy[USL-B] (2018) Midi de l'Institut de Recherches Interdisciplinaires sur Bruxelles (IRIB) — Université Saint-Louis - Bruxelles
    • Communication
    A New Approach to Media Cluster Research: Bringing the Human Factor back into Scope
    Komorowski, Marlen Wiard, Victor Plazy, Sylvain[FUSL] (2015) Cultural & Creative Quarters and Clusters: Developing a Global Perspective — Angers, France