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    • Article de périodique
    A propos du remplacement du radium par le césium 137 en curiethérapie gynécologique
    Wambersie, André[UCL] Prignot, M. Gueulette, John[UCL] (1973) Journal de Radiologie, d'Electrologie et de Medecine Nucleaire — Vol. 54, no.3, p. 261-270 (1973)
    • Article de périodique
    Radiobiological intercomparison of clinical neutron beams for growth inhibition in Vicia faba bean roots.
    Beauduin, M. Vynckier, Stefaan[UCL] Gueulette, John[UCL] Wambersie, André[UCL] (1989) Radiation Research : an international journal — Vol. 117, no. 2, p. 245-250 (1989)
    • Article de périodique
    RBE of the MIT epithermal neutron beam for crypt cell regeneration in mice.
    Gueulette, John[UCL] Binns, P J De Coster, B M Lu, X-Q Roberts, S A Riley, K J (2005) Radiation Research : an international journal — Vol. 164, no. 6, p. 805-809 (2005)
    • Article de périodique
    Cisplatin enhances the cytotoxicity of fast neutrons in a murine lymphoma cell line.
    Fischer, B Benzina, S Ganansia-Leymarie, V Denis,Jean-Marc[UCL] Bergerat, J P Dufour, P Gueulette, John[UCL] Bischoff, P (2004) Canadian journal of physiology and pharmacology — Vol. 82, no.2, p. 140-145 (2004)
    • Article de périodique
    Combination of the mTOR inhibitor RAD001 with temozolomide and radiation effectively inhibits the growth of glioblastoma cells in culture
    Burckel, Hélène Josset, Elodie Denis, Jean-Marc[UCL] Gueulette, John[UCL] Slabbert, Jakobus Noël, Georges Bischoff, Pierre L. (2015) Oncology Reports : an international journal devoted to fundamental and applied research in oncology — Vol. 33, no.1, p. 471-477 (2015)
    • Article de périodique
    Comparison of the Methods of Specifying Carbon Ion Doses at NIRS and GSI.
    Gueulette, John[UCL] Wambersie, André[UCL] (2007) Journal of Radiation Research — Vol. 48 Suppl A (2007)
    • Article de périodique
    Courbes de survie cellulaire : facteurs d'influence, modèles et concepts
    Gueulette, John[UCL] Grégoire, Vincent[UCL] Wambersie, André[UCL] (1994) Journal de Chimie Physique — Vol. 91, p. 1092-1106 (1994)
    • Article de périodique
    In vivo colocalization of 2-nitroimidazole EF5 fluorescence intensity and electron paramagnetic resonance oximetry in mouse tumors.
    Mahy, Pierre[UCL] De Bast, Marc[UCL] Gallez, Bernard[UCL] Gueulette, John[UCL] Koch, Cameron J Scalliet, Pierre[UCL] Grégoire, Vincent[UCL] (2003) Radiotherapy and oncology : journal of the European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology — Vol. 67, no. 1, p. 53-61 (2003)
    • Article de périodique
    Radiobiological comparison of fast neutron beams used in therapy. Survey of the published data.
    Beauduin, M. Gueulette, John[UCL] Grégoire, Vincent[UCL] De Coster, B M Vynckier, Stefaan[UCL] Wambersie, André[UCL] (1990) Strahlentherapie und Onkologie : Organ der Deutschen Röntgengesellschaft ... [et al] — Vol. 166, no. 1, p. 18-21 (1990)
    • Communication
    [Present trends in cancer therapy with high-LET radiations]
    Wambersie, André[UCL] Grégoire, Vincent[UCL] Gueulette, John[UCL] (1996) 7th Meeting on Irradiation Chemistry — CAEN (France)
    • Article de périodique
    A comparison of he RBE's of EMT6 cancer cells and non-transformed fibroblasts irradiated with 50 MeV neutrons
    Guichard, M. Gueulette, John[UCL] Laublin, G. Wambersie, André[UCL] Malaise, E.P. (1977) International Journal of Radiation: Oncology - Biology - Physics — Vol. 3, p. 244-245 (1977)
    • Communication
    Radiobiological intercomparison between neutrontherapy centres
    Beaudouin, M. Gueulette, John[UCL] Breteau, N. Hannan, M. Sabattier, R. Aissi, A. Strijckmans, K. Grégoire, Vincent[UCL] Vynckier, Stefaan[UCL] Wambersie, André[UCL] (1987) European Society for Therapeutic Radiology and Oncology, 6th annual meeting — Lisboa
