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Affichage: 9 résultats.
    • Chapitre
    An explanation of the high ‘false-positive’ rate of lower-limb SEPs in descending aorta surgery
    Guerit, Jean-Michel[UCL] Etienne, Pierre-Yves[UCL] Dion, Robert (1994) Handbook of Spinal Cord Monitoring : Proceedings of the Fifth International Symposium on Spinal Cord Monitoring — [ISBN : 9789401046190]
    • Article de périodique
    Preservation of the pulmonary autograft after failure of the Ross procedure
    de Kerchove, Laurent[UCL] Boodhwani, Munir[UCL] Etienne, Pierre-Yves[UCL] Poncelet, Alain[UCL] Glineur, David[UCL] Noirhomme, Philippe[UCL] Rubay, Jean[UCL] El Khoury, Gebrine[UCL] (2010) European Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery — Vol. 38, no. 3, p. 326-332 (2010)