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Affichage: 1 - 25 sur 71 résultats.


    • Communication
    Children and food: two experiments to investigate efficient promotion of eating habits among 8 to 12-year olds
    Charry, Karine[FUCAM] Pecheux, Claude[FUCAM] (2008) 6th International Workshop on Consumer Behavior and Food Marketing — Middelfart, Denmark
    • Communication
    Children, Obesity and Advertising: two experiments to investigate the way to promote healthy food habits
    Charry, Karine[FUCAM] Pecheux, Claude[FUCAM] (2008) European Marketing Academy Conference — Brighton, UK
    • Article de périodique
    Do Influencers Need to Tell Audiences They’re Getting Paid?
    Audrezet, Alice Charry, Karine[UCL] (2019) Harvard Business Review Digital Articles — Vol. online,, p. online (2019)
    • Article de périodique
    Educating children to environmental behaviours with nudges: the effectiveness of social labelling and moderating role of age
    Charry, Karine[UCL] Parguel, Beatrice (2019) Environmental Education Research — Vol. online,, p. online (2019)
    • Communication
    Enfants, Alimentation et Obésité : quels rôles pour la Publicité ?
    Pecheux, Claude[FUCAM] Charry, Karine[FUCAM] Derbaix, Christian[FUCAM] (2006) Actes du XXII° Congrès de l' Association Française du Marketing – 11 & 12 mai 2006 - — Nantes, France
    • Communication
    Vers un engagement prosocial durable : de la communauté de fait à la communauté de cause
    Nuotatore, Elodie[UCL] Charry, Karine[UCL] Poncin, Ingrid[UCL] (2020) 6ème Journée du Marketing du Grand Est — Dijon, France
    • Communication
    May social labeling compensate the negative impact of monetary incentives in spillover effects? The case of products close to expiration date
    Dumont, Louise[UCL] Charry, Karine[UCL] Swaen, Valérie[UCL] (2021) EMAC 2021 European Marketing Academy Conference — ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid, Spain - ONLINE
    • Communication
    The impact of multi-labelling on food consumption confusion and choice: A double-edged sword
    Dorisse, Axelle[UCL] Charry, Karine[UCL] Parguel, Béatrice (2023) International Conference on Environmental Psychology — Aarhus, Denmark
    • Communication
    The double-edged sword of multi-labelling in consumer food behavior
    Dorisse, Axelle[UCLouvain] Charry, Karine[UCLouvain] Parguel, Béatrice (2023) Global marketing conference 2023 — Séoul - Corée du Sud
    • Communication
    The impact of multi-labelling and conflicting information on Food Consumption Confusion and subsequent consumers’ behaviours
    Dorisse, Axelle[UCL] Charry, Karine[UCL] Parguel, Béatrice[UCL] (2022) Conférence Interdisciplinaire et transdisciplinaire "Transition et Développement Durable" — Louvain La Neuve, Belgium
