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Affichage: 1 - 25 sur 141 résultats.


    • Communication
    Extension de Compact-Diagram aux smart MVD
    Verhaeghe, Hélène[UCL] Lecoutre, Christophe[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2019) Quinzième journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC19) — Albi, France
    • Communication
    Efficient Filtering for the Resource-Cost AllDifferent Constraint
    Van Cauwelaert, Sascha[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2017) Fourteenth International Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint P — Padova
    • Article de périodique
    Generic Constraint-based Block Modeling using Constraint Programming
    Mattenet, Alex[UCL] Davidson, Ian Nijssen, Siegfried[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2019) Proceedings of the Reference AI & ML Conference for Belgium, Netherlands & Luxemburg — Vol. 2491, no.1, p. 1 (2019)
    • Communication
    Compact-Diagram Propagateur efficace pour la contrainte (s)MDD
    Verhaeghe, Hélène[UCL] Lecoutre, Christophe[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2019) Quinzième journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC19) — Albi, France
    • Communication
    Learning Optimal Decision Trees using Constraint Programming
    Verhaeghe, Hélène[UCL] Nijssen, Siegfried[UCL] Pesant, Gilles Quimper, Claude-Guy Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2019) The 25th International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP2019) — Stamford, USA
    • Communication
    Simplification and extension of the SPREAD Constraint
    Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] Régin, Jean-Charles (2007) Third international workshop on constraint propagation and implementation — Nantes, France
    • Article de périodique
    MiniCP: a lightweight solver for constraint programming
    Laurent Michel Schaus, Pierre[UCLouvain] Pascal Van Hentenryck (2021) Mathematical Programming Computation — Vol. 13, no.1, p. 133-184 (2021)
    • Communication
    An aggregate learning approach for interpretable semi-supervised population prediction and disaggregation using ancillary data
    Derval, Guillaume[UCL] Docquier, Frédéric[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2019) ECMLPKDD The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases — Würzburg, Germany
    • Communication
    An Efficient Structured Perceptron for NP-Hard Combinatorial Optimization Problems
    Véjar, Bastián Aglin, Gaël[UCL] Mahmutoğulları, Ali İrfan Nijssen, Siegfried[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Guns, Tias (2024) International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research — Uppsala, Sweden
    • Article de périodique
    Maximal-Sum submatrix search using a hybrid contraint programming/linear programming approach
    Derval, Guillaume[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2021) European Journal of Operational Research — (2021)
    • Chapitre
    Simplification and extension of the SPREAD Constraint
    Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] Regin, Jean-Charles (2007) Trends in Constraint Programming — [ISBN : 978-1-905209-97-2]
    • Communication
    Accélération de l’algorithme de séparation et évaluation pour les diagrammes de décision grâce à la mémoïsation
    Coppé, Vianney[UCL] Gillard, Xavier[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2023) Journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes — Strasbourg, France
    • Communication
    Extending Compact-Diagram to Basic Smart Multi-Valued Variable Diagrams
    Verhaeghe, Hélène[UCL] Lecoutre, Christophe[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2019) 16th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research — Thessaloniki, Greece
    • Communication
    Soft-regular with a Prefix-size Violation Measure
    Khong, Minh Thanh[UCL] Lecoutre, Christophe Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] (2018) 15th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research — Delft, The Netherlands
    • Chapitre
    Bound-Consistent Deviation Constraint
    Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Dupont, Pierre[UCL] (2007) Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming, CP 2007 — [ISBN : 978-3-540-74969-1]
    • Communication
    Efficient Reification of Table Constraints
    Khong, Minh Thanh[UCL] Deville, Yves[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] Lecoutre, Christophe (2017) International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence — Boston, MA, US
    • Communication
    Embarrassingly Parallel Search Reengineered
    Derval, Guillaume[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2016) Doctoral Program of the 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP 2016) — Toulouse, France
    • Communication
    Revisiting the self-adaptive large neighborhood search
    Thomas, Charles[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2018) 15th International Conference on the Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research — Delft
    • Communication
    Extension de Compact-Table aux tables négatives et concises
    Verhaeghe, Hélène[UCL] Lecoutre, Christophe Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2017) Treizièmes journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC17) — Montreuil-sur-Mer, France
    • Communication
    Extension de Compact-Table aux Tables Simplement Intelligentes
    Verhaeghe, Hélène[UCL] Lecoutre Christophe Deville, Yves[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2018) Quatorzième journées Francophones de Programmation par Contraintes (JFPC18) — Amiens, France
    • Communication
    Scalable Constraint Programming approach for Mining Frequent Sequence with gap constraints
    Aoga, John[UCL] Schaus, Pierre[UCL] (2016) The annual machine learning conference of Belgium and The Netherlands (BeneLearn) — Kortrijk, Belgium.
