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Impacts of the southeastern Anatolia Project in Turkey on the performance of the Tabqa dam and hydropower plant in Syria
Onglets principaux
Type de document | Communication à un colloque (Conference Paper) – Présentation orale avec comité de sélection |
Année de publication | 2007 |
Langue | Anglais |
Conférence | "Symposium IUGG2997: Changes in Water Resources Systems: Methodologies to Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management", Perugia, Italy (08-13 July) |
Peer reviewed | oui |
Document hôte | "IAHS Publ.315"- p. 1-8 |
Editeur | IAHS Press |
Affiliations | UCL - AGRO/MILA - Département des sciences du milieu et de l'aménagement du territoire |
Mots-clés | Anatolia project ; Syria ; Turkey ; Water Resources Management |
Liens |
Référence bibliographique | Goor, Quentin ; Alia, Ali ; van der Zaag, Pieter ; Tilmant, Amaury. Impacts of the southeastern Anatolia Project in Turkey on the performance of the Tabqa dam and hydropower plant in Syria.Symposium IUGG2997: Changes in Water Resources Systems: Methodologies to Maintain Water Security and Ensure Integrated Management (Perugia, Italy, 08-13 July). In: IAHS Publ.315, IAHS Press2007, p. 1-8 |
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