Rayyan, W
Kuntz, D A
Opperdoes, Frederik
Hoet, Perrine
The cloned T brucei GAPDH gene was inserted within the B subtilis GAPDH gene, carried by pUC18. Upon transformation of B subtilis by this plasmid, not able to replicate in this host, the whole plasmid was inserted in the resident chromosome, presumably by a single recombination event between homologous, chromosomal and plasmid-borne sequences. The heterologous gene was expressed, as revealed by immunological reaction with monoclonal antibodies, recognizing specifically T brucei GAPDH. T brucei GAPDH, having little or no enzyme activity, comprises about 1.56% of cellular proteins. Peptide mapping showed that a fusion of a 7.5-kDa peptide had occurred to the N-terminal part of T brucei GAPDH. This fused protein is presumably the N-terminal part of B subtilis GAPDH, in agreement with the construction of the integrative plasmid.
Référence bibliographique |
Rayyan, W ; Kuntz, D A ; Opperdoes, Frederik ; Hoet, Perrine. Expression in Bacillus subtilis of the glycosomal glyceraldehyde-phosphate dehydrogenase gene from Trypanosoma brucei.. In: Biochimie, Vol. 74, no. 2, p. 137-41 (1992) |
Permalien |
http://hdl.handle.net/2078.1/13664 |