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Division algebras of degree 4 and 8 with involution

  1. A. A. Albert,Structure of Algebras, Amer. Math. Soc. Colloq. Publ.24, Providence, R.I., 1961.
  2. S. A. Amitsur and D. Saltman,Generic abelian crossed products, J. Algebra51 (1978), 76–87.
  3. L. Rowen,Some results on the center of a ring with polynomial identity, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.79(1973), 219–223.
  4. L. Rowen,Central simple algebras, Israel J. Math.29(1978), 285–301.
  5. J. Tignol,Sur les classes de similitude de corps a involution de degré 8, C. R. Acad. Sci. ParisA286 (1978), 875–876.
  6. J. Tignol, Decomposition et descente de produits tensoriels d’algebres de quaternions, Rapport Sem. Math. Pure UCL76 (1978).
Référence bibliographique Amitsur, Shimshon A. ; Rowen, Louis H. ; Tignol, Jean-Pierre. Division algebras of degree 4 and 8 with involution. In: Israel Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 33, no. 2, p. 133-148 (1979)