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Does Real-Freedom-for-All Really Justify Basic Income?

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  1. Bruce, Social Justice in the Liberal State (1980)
  2. Isaiah, Four Essays on Liberty (1984)
  3. BUCHANAN, The Limits of Liberty (1975)
  4. Len, A Theory of Human Need (1991)
  5. Ronald, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 10, 185 (1981a)
  6. Ronald, Philosophy and Public Affairs, 10, 283 (1981b)
  7. HAYEK, The Constitution of Liberty (1960)
  8. Marcel, Sociologie et anthropologie, 363 (1993)
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  12. Paul, Individu et justice sociale. Autour de John Rawls, 129 (1988)
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  14. Murray, The Ethics of Liberty (1982)
  15. Van Parijs Philippe, Qu'est-ce qu'une société juste ?, ISBN:9782020131162, 10.3917/ls.vanpa.1991.01
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  17. PARIJS, Real Freedom for All. What (if Anything) can Justify Capitalism (1995)
  18. VOLTAIRE, Mélanges, 877 (1961)
Référence bibliographique Hunyadi, Mark ; Manz, Marcus. Does Real-Freedom-for-All Really Justify Basic Income?. In: Revue suisse de science politique, Vol. 4, no. 1, p. 45-65 (1998)