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Displaying 1 - 25 of 86 results.


    • Journal article
    A latitudinal cline in vernalization requirement in Cirsium vulgare
    Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] Klinkhamer, Peter G. L. de Jong, Tom J. Schlatmann, Els G. M. (1994) Ecography : pattern and diversity in ecology — Vol. 17, no.3, p. 272-277 (1994)
    • Speech
    How do butterflies cope with a sudden limitation in nectar availability ?
    Lebeau, Julie[UCL] Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2009) 23th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association of Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE) — Seiili, Finland
    • Journal article
    Contrasting genetic structure of adults and progeny in a Louisiana iris hybrid population
    Cornman, R. Scott Burke, John M. Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] Arnold, Michael L. (2004) Evolution : international journal of organic evolution — Vol. 58, no. 12, p. 2669-2681 (2004)
    • Speech
    Fauchage et papillons : comment le Myrtil (Maniola jurtina) réagit-il à une soudaine limitation des ressources en nectar ?
    Lebeau, Julie[UCL] Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2010) 7ième Conférence Internationale Francophone d’Entomologie CIFE2010 — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Speech
    Large-scale genetic relationships between two Rhinanthus species
    Vrancken, Jérome[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2008) 2nd Symposium on Biology of Non-Weedy Hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae — Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
    • Journal article
    The biology of non-weedy parasitic plants: the third symposium
    Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2016) Plant Ecology and Evolution — Vol. 149, no.1, p. 3-4 (2016)
    • Speech
    Foraging behaviour and nectar use in butterflies of different agricultural landscapes
    Lebeau, Julie[UCL] Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2009) 5th "Ecology & Behaviour" Meeting (SERL 2009) — Lyon, France
    • Journal article
    Pollen limitation meets resource allocation: towards a comprehensive methodology
    Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2007) New Phytologist — Vol. 174, no. 1, p. 26-37 (2007)
    • Speech
    Pollinator behaviour, pollen transfer and hybrid formation between Rhinanthus minor and R. angustifolius
    Natalis, Laurent C.[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2008) 2nd Symposium on Biology of Non-Weedy Hemiparasitic Orobanchaceae — Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic
    • Speech
    Fitness consequences of declines in wild flower nectar availability for butterflies in agricultural landscapes
    Lebeau, Julie[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2013) 27th Annual Meeting of the Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE) 2013 — Lammi Biological Station, Finland
    • Speech
    The roles of pollinators in hybridization between two Rhinanthus species
    Natalis, Laurent[UCL] Ducarme, Véronique[UCL] Vrancken, Jérome[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] (2014) Joint Annual Meeting British Ecological Society - Société française d'écologie — Lille, France
    • Journal article
    Pollinator behaviour and the evolution of Louisiana iris hybrid zones
    Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] Arnold, , Michael L. (2000) Journal of Evolutionary Biology — Vol. 13, no.2, p. 171-180 (2000)
    • Journal article
    Gene flow and functional connectivity in the natterjack toad
    Stevens, Virginie M.[UCL] Verkenne, Catherine Vandewoestijne, Sofie[UCL] Wesselingh, Renate A.[UCL] Baguette, Michel[UCL] (2006) Molecular Ecology — Vol. 15, no. 9, p. 2333-2344 (2006)
