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Displaying 22 results.
    • Speech
    Flight areas and movements of Maculinea alcon in Flanders: Consequences for conservation
    Maes, Dirk Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] Vanreusel, Wouter Talloen, Willem (2002) 4th International Symposium of Butterfly Conservation’s : Landscape and Lepidoptera Conservation — Lancaster
    • Speech
    Landscapes for butterflies : How to improve biological realism in spatially explicit models ?
    Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2003) Symposium “Dispersal in fragmented landscapes” — Louvain-la-Neuve
    • Journal article
    Transferability of species distribution models: a functional habitat approach for two regionally threatened butterflies.
    Vanreusel, Wouter Maes, Dirk Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2007) Conservation biology : the journal of the Society for Conservation Biology — Vol. 21, no. 1, p. 201-12 (2007)
    • Speech
    Transferability of predictive habitat models between areas: Butterfly models tested in three Flemish heathlands
    Vanreusel, Wouter Maes, Dirk Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2005) Ecology and Conservation of Butterflies in Europe Conference — Leipzig (Germany)
    • Journal article
    When functional habitat does not match vegetation types: A resource-based approach to map butterfly habitat
    Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2007) Biological Conservation — Vol. 135, no. 2, p. 202-211 (2007)
    • Journal article
    A resource-based conservation approach for an endangered ecotone species: the Ilex Hairstreak (Satyrium ilicis) in Flanders (north Belgium)
    Maes, Dirk Jacobs, Ilf Segers, Natascha Vanreusel, Wouter van Daele, Toon Laurijssens, Guy Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2014) Journal of Insect Conservation : an international journal devoted to the conservation of inects and related invertebrates — Vol. 18, p. 939–950 (2014)
    • Speech
    Applying IUCN Red List criteria at a small regional level: a test case with butterflies in Flanders (north Belgium)
    Maes, Dirk Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2012) International Symposium “Future of butterflies in Europe III — Wageningen (Netherlands)
    • Speech
    Modelling the effects of mitigating measures on the dispersal of threatened insect species in National Park De Hoge Kempen
    Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] Adriaensen, Frank (2003) International Conference on Habitat Fragmentation due to Transportation Infrastructure, Infra Eco Network Europe (IENE) — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    Functional habitat maps as a practical tool for butterfly conservation
    Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2005) 5th International Symposium OF Butterfly Conservation’s — Southampton (UK)
    • Speech
    How to define habitat patches when adult and larval resources are spatially separated? The Green Hairstreak case
    Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2002) 4th International Symposium of Butterfly Conservation’s : Landscape and Lepidoptera Conservation — Lancaster
    • Speech
    Bottom-up ecological restoration of habitats: when the spatial and temporal configuration of ecological resources do matter – Lessons from butterflies
    Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] Vanreusel, Wouter[UCL] Turlure, Camille[UCL] (2008) 6th European Conference on Ecological restoration — International Convention Centre, Ghent (Belgium)
    • Speech
    Seasonal changes in size and configuration of habitat patches within a grayling metapopulation
    Regniers, Sofie Vanreusel, Wouter Van Dyck, Hans[UCL] (2002) 9th Benelux Congress of Zoology “Adaptation and constraint” — Antwerp
    • Speech
    How to define habitat patches when adult and larval resources are spatially separated ?
    Vanreusel, Wouter (2002) 9th Benelux Congress of Zoology “Adaptation and constraint” — Antwerp