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Displaying 1 - 25 of 47 results.


    • Speech
    The "boomerang effect" of CSR promotion campaigns during corporate crises
    Vanhamme, Joëlle[UCL] Swaen, Valérie[UCL] Berens, Guido (2008) 2007 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference — Florida
    • Speech
    Impact of reparability information on consumers’ attitudes toward luxury brands
    Munten, Pauline[UCL] Vanhamme, Joëlle (2018) Third Monaco Symposium on Luxury - Luxury, the art of creating emotions in a fast moving and global world — Monaco
    • Speech
    Curbing product obsolescence issues: understanding life span information framing effects on consumers’ intertemporal choices
    Munten, Pauline[UCL] Swaen, Valérie[UCL] Vanhamme, Joëlle (2016) 6th CSR Research Seminar: Taking corporate responsibility to the next level - Innovative business approaches — Brussels, Belgium
    • Speech
    From consumer adoption of clothes-service systems to positive and negative rebound effects
    Munten, Pauline[UCL] Swaen, Valérie[UCL] Vanhamme, Joëlle (2021) EMAC 2021 European Marketing Academy Conference — ESIC Business & Marketing School, Madrid, Spain - ONLINE
    • Journal article
    Réduire les pratiques d’obsolescence du point de vue des systèmes produit–service orientés produit : un agenda de recherche
    Munten, Pauline[UCL] Vanhamme, Joëlle Swaen, Valérie[UCL] (2021) Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition) — Vol. 36, no.2, p. 45-80 (2021)
    • WorkingPaper
    Marketing tools
    • Journal article
    Inducing word-of-mouth by eliciting surprise - a pilot investigation
    Derbaix, Christian[FUCAM] Vanhamme, Joëlle[UCL] (2003) Journal of Economic Psychology — Vol. 24 (2003)
